Chapter Seventeen

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The midwife, Karen, finally entered ten minutes later, a calm, relaxed energy about her. The smile she gave offered Rachel no reassurance or comfort at all. If Rachel was honest, she wanted to ask for a different midwife. Karen was rude and patronising, talking to both Rachel and Kim like they were children.

"How are we doing, Rachel?" she asked, sitting on the end of the bed

Rachel shook her head, unable to speak as another contraction washed over her. She gripped Kim's hand tightly, shooting her a pleading look.

"She would like some pain relief if that's possible, but not an epidural" Kim explained

"I see. Is the gas and air not working for you, dear?" Karen asked

Rachel shook her head.

"Are you using it properly? You're only supposed to inhale it when you're having a contraction" Karen checked, her tone condescending and cold

Rachel suppressed the urge to roll her eyes, managing a nod.

"Have you tried taking those deep breaths we talked about?"

Rachel groaned. It was very rare for her to hate anyone. But right now, Karen was massively testing her patience. She wanted to scream at the woman, who seemed to believe that deep breaths, warm baths and gas and air solved everything. She wanted to ask her if she'd ever given birth before, because if she hadn't then she had no right to question her wanting pain relief.

"Yes, she has. She's been doing brilliantly, but she wants some pain relief. She's tired and wants to try and get some rest" Kim spoke up

That seemed to shut Karen up, and Rachel was grateful. She was sure the woman meant well, but she wasn't exactly helping her right now.

"Ok, then. Why don't we try some Pethidine? It won't numb the pain, but it will help" Karen suggested

Rachel nodded.

"Ok, dear. I'll be finishing my shift soon, so someone else will probably come in to give you the injection"

"Ok" Rachel mumbled tiredly

"Have we called the Father to let him know that you're in labour?"

That was the final straw for Rachel. She looked to Kim, her eyes filling with tears. This was the last thing she had wanted, to be pushed on things like this. She had been reassured at her midwifery appointments countless times that she wouldn't be, that it was in her notes that Adam was dead and that Kim was going to be her birth partner. It made her worry that maybe Karen hadn't looked at her notes at all and didn't know anything about her or her baby's health.

Even Kim was staring at the midwife, open-mouthed. She was sure she meant well, but what right did she have to ask such an outright question? Whether Adam was alive or dead, it was none of her business if they had informed him.

"Uhm- no, no we haven't" Kim stammered

"Well, don't you think we should? He has a right to know" Karen questioned

"You can't call him" Rachel whispered tearfully

Karen frowned at her.

"Why not, dear?"

Rachel wanted to scream. Did she really have to spell it out? Why did she have to tell this woman something that was none of her business?

"My husband is dead! The father of my daughter died in a car crash seven months ago! So unless you have magical powers to talk to the dead, he can't be informed!" Rachel snapped, glaring at the woman

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