Chapter Twenty One

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Once the cord had been cut and the tiny newborn had been weighed, she was placed on Rachel's chest with a towel draped over her to keep her warm.

"She's a healthy six pound and five ounces" Charlotte told her

Rachel couldn't stop smiling as she gazed at her daughter for the first time. She had dreamt of this moment for the last few months, and now it was here, it was everything she could have wished for and more. Her hand instantly moved to rest on the little girl's back to prevent her from falling. She was the most perfect thing Rachel had ever seen. She had ten tiny fingers, ten tiny toes and a wisp of light brown hair.

"Hello, darling. I'm your Mummy" Rachel whispered tearfully, kissing the little girl's forehead gently

The newborn immediately settled at the sound of her Mother's voice, her cries turning into soft whimpers as she lay contentedly on Rachel's chest.

"Aren't you just the most beautiful thing, hey?" Rachel continued, rocking her gently

Kim smiled as she watched the scene of Mother and daughter meeting for the very first time. She pulled out her phone, snapping a picture of the two of them. She was sure Rachel would never forget this beautiful moment. But now she could look back on a snapshot of it for years to come.

"She's gorgeous, Rachel, you did so, so well" Kim commented, peering over her shoulder to get a glimpse of the little girl

Rachel smiled.

"Thank you for being here for me"

"No problem at all, I wouldn't have missed it for anything"

Rachel looked around the room, suddenly realising that someone was missing.

"Where's Eddie?"

"He left to give you some privacy when the midwife came in" Kim explained

Rachel nodded. She suddenly remembered him leaving the room just before she'd started pushing. The last hour had gone by in a blur. She had been in a pain-filled daze and really didn't remember much at all.

She wouldn't have minded if Eddie had stayed in the room, but she knew he would have felt uncomfortable doing so. He didn't want to cross boundaries, and she was grateful for that. He had been there for her until Kim had arrived, supporting her and holding her hand. That meant so much. He could have easily walked away, but he hadn't.

"He's just outside, do you want me to go and get him?" Kim offered

Rachel nodded, her attention turning back to her little one, who was now fast asleep on her chest. She smiled, this was the happiest and most relaxed she had been in months.

"I love you, I love you so much" she whispered, kissing the top of the little girl's head


When Kim stepped out into the corridor, there was no sign of Eddie. She frowned, wondering where he had got to. The corridor was empty. She knew he wouldn't have left the hospital, not until he knew Rachel was ok. He had said he would be just outside, hadn't he?

She briefly checked the seating area down the corridor before searching the entire hallway. He wasn't anywhere to be found.

She pulled out her phone, dialling his number.

"Kim?" he answered

"Eddie? Where are you?"

"I'm in the ICU, Bolton's taken a turn. The Doctor rang me just as I was leaving Rachel's room"

Kim panicked.

"Is he ok?"

"His lung has collapsed. They've rushed him back to the operating theatre to try and fix it. It's touch and go really. I'm sorry, I would have come in and told you both, but I didn't want to interrupt or anything"

Kim sighed painfully. The thought of delivering this news to her after she had just given birth made her feel sick.

"How's Rachel, is she ok?"

"Yeah, she's fine. The baby's here. They're both fine. She has a little girl"

She heard Eddie sigh in relief.

"Oh, that's fantastic news, Kim! Tell her I'll be up to see her soon; I'm just waiting to see how Bolton is"

"Ok, I will"

Kim ended the call, heading back into the hospital room. Rachel looked up at her, smiling. Kim smiled back at her, debating whether to keep the information Eddie had just given her to herself. Rachel was so relaxed and content after nearly 12 hours of labour, she didn't want to kill the mood or ruin the first hour Rachel had with her daughter.

"It's weird seeing you with a baby" Kim said as she walked over to her bedside

Rachel laughed, stroking her daughter's head softly.

"She's so perfect" she whispered

"She's beautiful, Rachel" Kim agreed

Rachel looked over to her friend. She could tell by her expression that something was wrong. Kim could read her like a book, and she could do the same with Kim. She knew when she was happy, sad, angry, or when she was trying to hide something from her.

"Everything ok?" she asked

Kim paused.

"Yes... uhm- well, no, actually"

Rachel frowned at her, urging her to continue.

"It's Bolton. He's been rushed back to the operating theatre" Kim explained

"What? Why?" Rachel panicked

"He has a collapsed lung. Eddie's on the ICU ward now, waiting for news"

Rachel sighed painfully, rubbing a hand across her forehead. She hated the fact that she was here on the labour ward and not down in the ICU with Bolton. She knew she couldn't help it of course. She loved her little girl more than life itself, but when Bolton needed her the most she wasn't there. It made her feel guilty.

"I wish there was something I could do. I feel so useless" she whispered

"Bolton would want you to rest, Rachel. You've had a long night. Besides, there isn't a lot we can do until he comes out of surgery" Kim reasoned

Rachel nodded.

"Do you want to hold her?" Rachel asked, looking at the small baby resting on her chest

Kim smiled as she nodded.

Rachel passed her to her gently. Kim smiled down at the little girl, watching her as she slept peacefully. She was so beautiful. Her mind wandered to the first time she had held Dexter in her arms after waking up from surgery. It was a moment she would never forget. She would never forget this moment either.

"Are you still going with Annabelle as her name?" Kim checked, staring down at the little girl

"Yes" Rachel replied

"Good, it suits her"

"You think so?"

Kim nodded.

"Hey, Annabelle, I'm your Auntie Kim"

Annabelle shifted softly in her arms at the sound of her voice.

"I forgot how small they are" Kim laughed

Rachel smiled, watching as Kim cooed over Annabelle, bouncing her gently in her arms. She was going to be the best Auntie to her little girl.

"Get some sleep, yeah? I'll watch Annabelle and I'll wake you if there's any news about Bolton" Kim offered, noticing that Rachel was close to falling asleep

"Are you sure?"

Kim nodded.

"We'll be fine, won't we, darling, eh?" she whispered to Annabelle

Rachel gave in, her eyes drifting shut as she let the fatigue consume her. 

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