Chapter Ten

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Three hours later...

It was 3:15AM. Eddie and Rachel were still sat side by side in the same waiting area. Both of them were uncontrollably drifting in and out of sleep. Rachel had her head resting on Eddie's shoulder, her hand resting on her stomach. She wasn't feeling too great, her back was aching and she was uncomfortable, especially with the pains in her stomach that kept coming and going every so often. Eddie had offered a few times to call a taxi to take her home, but she had refused. Bolton was her priority right now, it didn't matter how tired she was or how much discomfort she was in.

Kim had yet to show up, which was ok. She would be here soon.

Rachel sat up as another mild twinge began to build, starting in her back and reaching around to her abdomen. She inhaled sharply, gripping the arm of her chair as she took deep breaths. Eddie sat up, allowing her to squeeze his hand as much as she needed to.

Once the pain had gone, she leaned back in the chair, a heavy sigh escaping her lips. She rubbed her eyes as she yawned.

"Are you sure you don't want me to get a Nurse to check you over, Rach?" Eddie asked

"No, I'm fine. It's just braxton hicks" she insisted

Eddie nodded quietly. She kept saying that, but the more pains that came and went, the less likely it seemed to Eddie.

"Miss Mason?"

Rachel shot up when the Nurse called her name. Her heart filled with a mixture of relief and dread as the woman smiled at her politely.

"Yes, that's me. Is Bolton ok?"

"Bolton is out of surgery. He has a few broken ribs, a broken shoulder, collarbone and a fractured femur. We've managed to stop the internal bleeding. He's still unconscious and is in critical condition, but he is stable" the Nurse explained

Rachel nodded quietly. She had been expecting the damage and extent of his injuries to be worse, and she was relieved that they weren't. But she knew he wasn't out of the woods yet. There was still time for him to take a turn for the worst.

"We're keeping Bolton here in the Intensive Care Unit. I've tried to get in touch with his Mum, who is his next of kin, but I haven't been able to get through, I was wondering if you would be able to try getting in touch with her?"

Rachel sighed. She'd been clinging onto hope that maybe the hospital would be able to get in touch with Candice if she couldn't. Evidently not.

"I've had the same trouble, when I call the number is disconnected"

The Nurse nodded.

"Don't worry, we'll sort it. If you can just wait here while we get Bolton settled and I'll come and get you so you can sit with him"

Rachel ran a hand through her hair, sitting back down as the Nurse walked away.

"See? He's going to be ok! He's in the best hands, Rach" Eddie said

Rachel glared at him.

"He's not ok, Eddie! He tried to kill himself! He might be stable and only have a few injuries, but he's not ok! He needs help and support!" she snapped

Eddie sighed. He hadn't meant it like that, but it had been perceived like that.

"I'm going to try Candice again" Rachel decided, grabbing her phone from her bag

As she stood up, a gush of water trickled out from in-between her legs, making a small puddle at her feet. Her breath hitched in her throat as she looked down, heart hammering against her chest. This couldn't be happening now.

"Oh no" she whispered, placing a hand on her stomach

Eddie dashed over to Rachel's side, placing a hand on her arm.

"Rach, I think your baby is coming"

Rachel shook her head frantically.

"It's too early" she mumbled

Before Eddie could reply, Rachel cringed as a contraction tore through her stomach. She hissed painfully, grabbing onto the chair next to her, swaying side to side as she breathed deeply. Eddie watched on helplessly, unsure of what to do.

"We need to get you to the labour ward, Rachel" he told her once her contraction had gone

"No, I can't- I- I have to be here for Bolton" she argued

"Rach, you can't! You're having a baby!"

"I know! But I have to stay here! Bolton needs someone here with him!" She snapped

"And you are in labour! You need to be seen to! Bolton might not come round for hours yet!" he reasoned

Rachel shook her head frantically.

"Come on, Rachel, please?" He begged, his tone softening

"I can't, I don't have my hospital bag... I'm not ready" she whispered

"It's ok, I promise. Even if you're not in labour, we still need to get you checked out"

Rachel sighed, closing her eyes. She knew she had to go. If Adam was here now, he would be telling her the same things Eddie was. As Eddie had already pointed out, Bolton might not wake up for hours. And even if he did come round, she was no use to him if she was in labour.

"Ok, let's go" she agreed

Eddie sighed in relief, grabbing her bag before returning to her side.

"I don't even know where the labour ward is" Rachel mumbled, rubbing her stomach

"It's ok, we'll find it" he reassured

Rachel groaned painfully, sinking into the chair behind her. Eddie kneeled down in front of her. Rachel gripped his shoulder tightly, wishing that it was Adam's jacket she was gripping onto rather than Eddie's.

"I'm going to ask the Receptionist if I can get you a wheelchair, ok?" He suggested

Rachel nodded, sighing in relief as the pain died away.

Eddie reluctantly left her side to go to the Nurse's desk. He explained the situation as calmly and quickly as he could. The Nurse took action immediately, calling the labour ward to ask someone to come down. Once it had been confirmed someone was on their way, he went back to Rachel.

"A midwife is on their way to take you up to the labour ward, Rach. It's going to be fine" he reassured

Rachel nodded quietly, resting her head on her arms as she shifted uncomfortably. 

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