Chapter Four

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Two hours later...

Rachel was quickly learning that being in a crowded hall whilst eight months pregnant wasn't a good mix. Within just an hour of her and Kim arriving, the hall had filled up with even more people. She really hadn't expected there to be this many people, and she was sure the Head Teacher, Michael Byrne hadn't expected it either.

She was having a good time though. She had caught up with a few of her former pupils, including Aleesha, Danielle and Janeece. They all seemed to be doing well for themselves. Aleesha and Danielle were both in their second year of University, studying Drama and Dance. And Janeece had a little girl of her own and was the Head Teacher's secretary! That revelation had come as a shock to her. Of all the students to become a secretary to a Head Teacher, Janeece had been at the bottom of her list!

Most of the last two hours had been spent catching up with Tom, Steph and Grantly. So far, she had managed to avoid the subject of herself completely, keeping the conversation focussed on them and what they were doing. The most information she had given away was that she was back to teaching English at another Secondary School in the area.

Tom was now Deputy Head, alongside Sian Diamond (someone who Rachel had yet to meet). Rachel thought his promotion was incredibly well-deserved. Before he resigned, he was a great Head of Pastoral Care. There had been no doubt in her mind that he wouldn't have made it as a member of senior management again one day.

Steph was now retired. She had just returned to Rochdale after spending a year in Paris with her now fiancé, Oliver Mead. Rachel could only imagine what Chris's thoughts were on the situation between the couple (he hadn't been too impressed when they'd first got together). But she was happy for Steph. After losing Maxine, she deserved to be happy again.

Grantly hadn't changed all that much. He was still the grumbling old English Teacher Rachel knew and remembered. She had been surprised when he had walked up to talk to her to express his dislike of the new Head Teacher. Rachel was sure he'd gone to Steph when she had started here and had said all the same things.

Rachel had also had the opportunity to speak to the new Head Teacher, Michael Byrne. He had recognised her instantly. To her surprise, the conversation between them had flowed easily. From what she could tell, Michael seemed to be doing a fantastic job and was settling into his new role well. Rachel was glad that the school was in safe hands.

She smiled gratefully as Kim handed her a glass of cold water. If she could, she would have poured the whole thing over her head just to cool herself down. The hall was becoming insufferably warm and stuffy. It was making Rachel feel sick.

Unable to stand it any longer, she told Kim where she was going before stepping out of the hall and out onto the playground.

She sighed in relief as the cool night air hit her clammy skin. She felt like she could breathe again.

Slowly, she lowered herself down to sit on the steps, slipping off her shoes as she rubbed her aching feet. The clock on the wall opposite her told her it was 9:30pm. If she were at home, she would be in bed by now, settling down to go to sleep. She didn't feel as tired as she thought she would, but she felt like she would be ready for her bed soon, maybe in the next hour and a half.

"May I join you?"

The voice made her freeze. Her heart involuntarily skipped a beat. Of all the people she had expected to see and be reunited with tonight, he hadn't been one of them.

Her head tilted upwards, finding Eddie Lawson stood in front of her. She couldn't stop the smile from forming on her lips as she awkwardly got to her feet.

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