Chapter Twenty

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As soon as Eddie had left, Kim grabbed Rachel's hand, offering her a reassuring smile.

"It hurts" Rachel mumbled

"I know, I know, it's alright" Kim reassured

Rachel cried out as Charlotte examined her.

"Ok, Rachel, I can see the top of the baby's head. You're doing really well" Charlotte encouraged

Rachel moaned tiredly, another contraction ripping through her. She didn't have the energy left to keep doing this. But somehow she found it. She whimpered, squirming uncomfortably on the bed as she pushed, feeling the baby's head move downwards.

Rachel cried out in pain, squeezing the life out of Kim's hand. She threw her head back into the pillow, breathing heavily. Before she could even catch her breath, another contraction came, causing her to groan and push uncontrollably.

"Come on, Rachel. One more push and we'll have baby's head" Charlotte announced, rubbing her knee comfortingly

Rachel shook her head frantically, tears rolling down her cheeks. She wanted to be back in her dream with Adam and their little girl. She wanted to be away from the pain and the grief; she wanted to be in Adam's arms where she felt safe.

She looked to Kim, eyes filled with tears.

"I can't do it" she whispered

"You can, Rachel. You're doing so, so well" Kim soothed

"I CAN'T!" she screamed, bearing down into another push

"You can, you're doing brilliantly, Adam would be so proud of you. Do this for him, yeah?"

Rachel nodded quietly. She could do this for him. She could get through this and give birth to their little girl, for him. Her thoughts drifted to him as she pushed, her energy returning slightly as she remembered his goofy smile, his soft skin, the way his lips felt on hers. His presence might not be in the room, but he was in her heart and mind.

A blood curdling scream escaped her lips as the blinding pain turned into an intense and relentless burning. She shifted on the bed, sobbing and moaning in unbearable pain. Kim rubbed her hand reassuringly.

"Rachel, just breathe for me. The baby's head is crowning" Charlotte instructed

Rachel took deep breaths, squeezing her eyes shut as the burning increased. She felt like she was being torn in half, her skin feeling like it was being melted off as it stretched to let the baby's head enter the world. She grimaced, biting her lip hard to stop a scream from escaping her lips.

"Ok, Rachel. Little push for me" Charlotte instructed

Rachel sighed in relief, cringing as she bore down uncontrollably. The burning sensation became the worst it had been in the last few minutes. She couldn't stop the pain-filled yell that escaped her lips as she felt the baby's head slide out. The burning decreased a little, allowing her to catch her breath.

"The baby's head is out, Rachel. You're nearly there" Charlotte told her

Rachel smiled softly, clinging onto those words of reassurance as the next contraction came. She gathered her energy, bearing down as hard as she could, her grip on Kim's hand strong enough to leave a large bruise. The burning increased again, but she pushed past it, crying out as the baby's body slipped into the hands of the midwife. The pain went away instantly, a silence filling the room. Rachel leaned back against the pillows, her breathing heavy, dazed from pain and lack of sleep.

And, finally, the cry of an infant echoed through the room.

"Congratulations, you have a little girl" Charlotte announced

"Is she ok?" Rachel asked immediately, attempting to sit up

"She's absolutely fine" Charlotte reassured

Rachel looked to Kim before bursting into tears, her heart threatening to explode at the sound of her daughter's cries. It was the most beautiful sound she had ever heard.

Kim pulled Rachel into a hug, a feeling of joy overwhelming her.

"I'm just cleaning baby up a bit, Rachel, and then I'm going to cut her cord and weigh her, ok?" Charlotte explained

Rachel nodded, before turning to Kim.

"Can you cut her cord?"

Kim was a little taken aback by the request. She was also honoured that Rachel trusted her enough to ask her to do it. Kim looked to the midwife.

"Is that allowed?"

Charlotte nodded.

"If you're sure then, Rachel?" Kim checked

Rachel nodded. 

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