Chapter Thirty One

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Bolton rolling his eyes when she entered the room didn't faze Rachel or knock her confidence one bit. It was all a façade. He was doing his 'Macho crap' act, just like he had done at school when she had first met him all those years ago. She knew he needed and wanted help, he just didn't know how to ask for it.

"What are you doing here, Miss?" he grumbled

"I wanted to introduce you to someone, Bolton" she explained, unclipping Annabelle from her car seat and lifting her into her arms

Bolton stared at the little girl curiously, watching as she wriggled and squirmed around.

"This is Annabelle, my daughter" Rachel told him

Bolton nodded quietly, not knowing what to say.

"Do you want to hold her?" she asked

Bolton shook his head. The tiny newborn was so innocent; he was worried that if he held her, he would taint her in some way, that he would pass his misery onto her. No one deserved to feel what he was feeling.

"Bolton, do you remember Mr Fleet?"

"Your husband, innit?"

Rachel nodded, taking a deep breath.

"He... well he... passed away, seven months ago" she explained

Bolton continued to stare at his hands. He felt sorry for his former Head Teacher. He knew the pain of loss all too well. He knew how happy Mr Fleet had made her. She worked hard day in, day out to ensure all the kids at Waterloo Road were happy and safe; she deserved some happiness for herself. Mr Fleet had given her that, and he was glad.

"I'm sorry, Miss"

She smiled at him weakly.

"Two months later, I found out I was pregnant with Annabelle. I was struggling so much, I felt so lost, but she gave me hope" she continued

"Where are you going with this, Miss?" he huffed impatiently, losing interest completely

Rachel sighed; she needed to change her tactic.

"Bolton, do you remember when you were at school and I took you and your mates on that trip to the prison?"

Bolton nodded.

"You were on the edge of dropping out of school, until I showed you that video of you in that cell. We had that chat and I told you that you could do anything that you put your mind to. Do you remember?"

Bolton nodded again.

"I guaranteed it then, and I'm guaranteeing it now. You will go so far in life, but you need to let me help you. And you can start by telling me what's going on"

"There's nothing going on, Miss" he mumbled

"Bolton, there is, you know there is! Something has happened. A couple of years ago, you had just got your A-level results. You were meant to be going off to University. You were so excited and I was so proud and pleased for you! Then, the other night, you turn up to a reunion at Waterloo Road and you try and end your life. Where did it all go wrong, Bolton?"

"Mum died" he blurted

Rachel froze, taken aback by his confession. Had she heard him right?

"W-what?" she stammered

"My Mum, she's dead" he repeated, his voice shaking

"Oh, Bolton, I'm so sorry" she whispered, reaching for his hand

She gave him a few moments to gather himself. A pang of pain shot through her heart as she watched him bite back his tears. She had been right, what Bolton was experiencing on top of his depression was grief. He had lost his Mum. It didn't matter how, or when- she was gone and it had evidently broken him. The two of them had been incredibly close; they'd had a strong relationship. She could imagine that her passing had devastated Bolton.

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