Chapter Twenty Seven

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Six hours later...

The last thing Rachel had expected to happen today was for her and Annabelle to be discharged and allowed to go home. It had been just over twenty four hours since she had given birth, and she was already being sent out into the big wide world with her daughter. The thought of it terrified and excited her. Once she stepped out of those hospital doors, it was her and Annabelle against the world.

Rachel couldn't deny it; she was looking forward to getting home. The thought of being in her own bed, being able to have a shower in her own bathroom and having cuddles with Annabelle on her own sofa filled her with joy. She was looking forward to getting Annabelle settled and used to her home and to show her the nursery. She wouldn't be sleeping in there for another few months yet, but she was still excited to show her everything, even if she couldn't quite comprehend what was going on. She was looking forward to waking up with Annabelle's crib next to her bed, to pick her up and hold her in her arms or to be able to watch her as she slept or gazed around curiously.

Rachel carefully placed Annabelle into the new car seat she had bought. It had been sitting in the back of her car for the last three months, ready and waiting to be used. Finally being able to use it felt surreal. She was grateful to Kim for stopping by her house to grab it on the way here.

Rachel smiled at the tiny newborn, who was wearing a dark purple baby-grow with white polka dots and a matching hat. Annabelle looked tiny as she rested in the large seat; her little legs flailing gently as she shifted. Rachel shushed her gently, rubbing her finger across her cheek as she began to fuss.

"It's alright, darling. You're ok" she soothed

Annabelle quickly settled down at the sound of her Mother's voice, her eyes wandering around the room curiously. Rachel smiled at her as her tiny hand gripped her finger. Annabelle had been in her life for just over twenty four hours, and she was still mesmerised by her. Her heart nearly exploded every time she looked at her. She had never felt love like this, and she was sure she never would again.

She packed the last of her things into her hospital bag, zipping it up and swinging it over her shoulder.

"Are you ready to go?" Kim asked

Rachel nodded, carefully lifting Annabelle's car seat. She winced, her body still aching and sore after the birth.

Kim leapt into action, taking the hospital bag off her. Rachel smiled at her gratefully.

"Do you want me to take Annabelle? I don't think you should be lifting anything right now" Kim offered

"No, it's ok. I want to carry her" she insisted

"So stubborn!" Kim huffed with a chuckle

Rachel smiled.

The mild May afternoon hit Rachel the second she stepped out of the hospital doors. She sighed in relief as the fresh air entered her lungs, and the cool breeze touched her skin. It seemed that being stuck inside for nearly two days made you appreciate the outdoors a lot more.

They reached Kim's car, which was parked just a few minutes away from the entrance. Rachel strapped Annabelle's car seat securely in the back of the car, before climbing into the front. They were finally going home. She couldn't wait.

Kim got into the driver's seat.

"I bet you're ready to get home, eh?" she asked

"More than ready!" Rachel chuckled

Kim smiled sympathetically.

"I felt the same way when they discharged me after having Dexter. There's nothing better than being in your own bed!"

Rachel nodded.

"Did you text Eddie to tell him I've been discharged?" she asked

"Yes. He said he'll come over in a couple of hours, if that's ok with you?" Kim replied

"Yeah, of course. Did he say anything about Bolton?"

"No, just that he'd pop over later"

Rachel nodded, suddenly feeling a little bit nervous that there had been no update on Bolton other than that he had woken up. No news was good news, right?

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