Chapter Twenty Four

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Kim left the room, leaving Rachel and Eddie alone. A comfortable silence settled between them as they exchanged a smile with one another. Rachel looked well to say she had just given birth. The only sign of exhaustion was the slight cloudiness in her chocolate brown eyes. Her skin was radiant, her smile infectious and her energy filled with peace and contentment.

"Congratulations, Rach" Eddie beamed, heading over to stand by the bed

"Thank you" she smiled

He pulled her into a gentle hug. They pulled apart with a giggle as the newborn in Rachel's arms let out a grunt of disapproval at the fact she was being squished.

"Hello, you" Eddie whispered, stroking the little girl's cheek

"Her name is Annabelle" Rachel told him

Eddie smiled, staring at the little girl who was still suckling away on her bottle, her eyes drifting open and closed. She was beautiful.

"It's nice to meet you, Annabelle" he smiled

"She's gorgeous, Rach" he added

"Thank you for being here for me. I couldn't have managed without you or Kim" she replied

"No problem, I didn't do much. How are you feeling?" he asked sitting down in the chair

"A little sore" she admitted, wincing as she sat up

"But happy?" he questioned

Rachel nodded, a bright smile spreading across her features. She was blissfully happy right now, in this moment.

Her attention returned to Annabelle, who had spit out the bottle to tell Rachel she was finished. Rachel smiled at her, rubbing her cheek gently with her finger. Annabelle stared back at her with curious, soft brown eyes.

"Did you enjoy that? Hey? Your first feed?" she cooed

"You just wait, in a couple of hours it'll be her first wee and poo!" Eddie chuckled

Rachel giggled, wrinkling her nose at the thought of it.

"Do you know how to burp a baby?" she asked him cautiously as Annabelle started to fuss in her arms

Eddie nodded, standing up.

"Have you got a cloth or something to put over your shoulder, just in case she spits up?"

"There's a couple in the hospital bag" she told him

Eddie rummaged through the bag before pulling out one of the clean cloths. He gently draped it over Rachel's shoulder.

"Ok, lift her so her chin is resting on your shoulder. Make sure you hold the back of her head" he instructed

Rachel carefully shifted Annabelle into the position, one hand cradling her head, the other wrapped securely around her back. Initially, the tiny newborn protested at the sudden movement, before relaxing again. Rachel looked at Eddie for confirmation that she was doing it correctly. He nodded at her with a reassuring smile.

"That's it. Now, gently rub and pat her back" he told her

Rachel nodded, alternating between gently patting her daughter's back and rubbing in slow, soothing circles. She swayed gently from side to side on the bed. All of this felt so surreal. Just twenty four hours ago, she was pregnant, and now Annabelle was here in her arms. She couldn't quite believe it.

The soft, tiny and innocent burp Annabelle let out made both her and Eddie giggle.

"Are you finished?" she whispered to her, laying her back in her arms so her head was resting in the crook of her elbow

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