Chapter Thirteen

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Once Eddie had left, Kim turned her attention back to Rachel. She could tell she wasn't ok, but she was trying to either mask or downplay it in front of Eddie. Unfortunately that tactic no longer worked on Kim, she knew her best friend too well now. She could tell when she was happy or angry, and she could definitely tell when she was sad and was trying to hide it. This was one of those situations.

A cry of pain filled the silence as Rachel gripped Kim's hand tightly, the gas and air nozzle hissing as Rachel breathed it in. The pain was slowly becoming more and more intense. It felt like there was a vice clamped around her stomach, getting tighter and tighter.

"That's it, Rachel. Nice deep breaths" Kim encouraged, rubbing her lower back

The pain finally died away, allowing Rachel exhale shakily, her grip on Kim's hand loosening as she ran a hand through her hair. She was so tired.

"How are you feeling, really?" Kim asked

Rachel sighed, resting her head on the mattress. She could feel the tears welling up in her eyes again as the grief consumed her once more. She just wanted Adam. She knew she'd be giving birth without him by her side. She'd been doing everything without him by her side the last few months. But being here now, when it was really happening just made it hurt more. It made it even more real. Adam was gone and he wasn't coming back. She hadn't really thought just how difficult it was going to be. In a way, she was angry that Eddie and Kim were here to witness the birth of her daughter and Adam wasn't, and that made her feel guilty because they were both being so supportive.

It wasn't just the birth he was going to miss. He was going to miss her first birthday, her first words, her first smile, her first steps. He'd miss her first day at Nursery, school, her prom, her 18th birthday. He was going to miss it all. She couldn't bear it.

She wanted it all to be a bad dream, a nightmare that she could wake up from. She'd wanted that from the moment the policeman had showed up at her front door seven months ago. She wanted Adam to come crashing through the door and into the hospital room like nothing had ever happened. But life didn't work that way.

"Rachel?" Kim prompted, pulling her from her thoughts as she placed a hand on her arm

Rachel looked at her friend, suddenly remembering she was waiting for an answer as to how she was feeling. Lying wouldn't work. Kim knew her too well now. But she couldn't tell the whole truth. They'd be sat there for a lifetime.

"I'm tired, and I'm scared" she whispered, closing her eyes

Kim wrapped an arm around her friend's shoulders, rubbing the scratchy material of Rachel's hospital gown with her thumb. There was more to it than her just being tired and scared, but it was better than 'I'm fine'. It was a little bit of honesty and that was enough for Kim to work with. She could feel Rachel's tears staining her shirt as she sniffled.

"Everything's going to be fine, Rachel, I promise you"

"I want Adam. It's not fair" Rachel blurted, a strangled sob escaping her lips

"I know, I know. He'd be so proud of you, Rach, you're doing so, so well" Kim reassured

"I can't do this without him" she whispered

"You can"

"I don't have a choice more like"

"No, you can do this. You're not on your own. You are going to be the best Mum to this little girl and Adam is going to be with you wherever you go, you know that"

"Have you picked a name for your little girl?" she added

Rachel nodded. She had picked it the second she knew she was having a girl. The name had stuck in her mind and heart ever since and had attached itself to the little girl growing inside her.

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