Married at 16-1

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I want to say I woke up and suddenly remembered everything; but i didn't. I took a few minuets to figure out where i was. Then it hit me. Propping myself up on my elbow i looked around my plain white hospital room. There was no one there. i sighed and lay back on the bed with a thump. I had every intention of going back to sleep untill someone was here and would tell me what happened. Exactly were i was; and how Daddy was. i was so worried about him. 

With thoughts of going right back to sleep I turned over and sighed. Then and only then did i see the colorful arrangement of flowers placed next to my bed with a note attached. I swear i have the worlds best boyfriend. Sleep now being far from my mind i reached over and took the now. Thankfully it was lengthy. 

My Darling Amanda;

I am so glad your injuries were at a minimum and you will soon be in my arms again. Your side of the plane wasn't directly hit by the trees. To my understanding you will be out of the hospital within a few days after you wake up. Your  Father however is in ICU and isn't doing well. The doctors are afraid he might not make it. i want to see you and fill you in on all the other details. Now get some more rest. Then call for a nurse so I can see you again. 

All my Love, BJ

Tears welling up in my eyes I again threw myself back on the bed. Daddy was in ICU. For all i know he could be dead. As the tears slipped down my check i rolled over and cried myself to sleep for the first time in all of my sixteen years.


I woke up to a hand gently rubbing my check. I opened my eyes and stared into those chocolate brown stars i get to claim for me. Benjamin looked at me with that same loving smirk I feel in love with two years ago. 

"Thank God your awake" he said in his deep voice. "how long have you been sitting there?" i asked. " not very long. About fifteen minuets" He shrugged. "Fifteen minuets is a long time BJ. You didn't have to be here that long. i don't need a 24/7 watchman on me." i sighed

"Glad to see your sarcasim is back. fifteen minuets isnt very long when i can stare at a beautiful girl that i get to say is mine."

"smooth talker"

"You know how much you love it" he retorted kissing my check

I blushed bright red

"hows daddy?" I finally got up enough courage to ask.

" Hes out of ICU. Oh ya  I need to call a nurse to tell them your awake"

"in other words hes not doing well"

"Manda Darling hes fine. He isnt out of the coma but hes okay. He" BJ stopped talking after the nurse walked in. 

After checking me over she said i was fine and free to go. I was so relived. All i wanted was to go see Daddy, but BJ said that i had to go straight home so my mom wouldn't freak out. I agreed so we left. 

Married at 16Where stories live. Discover now