Married at 16 -8

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After dealing with Dads death I had to head back to school. I sighed as i walked the halls with all eyes on me. BJ had his first class on the other side of the school. I didnt want to deal with people right now but i knew i couldnt run from it forever. I thumped down on my chiar in the back row of honors english. I put in my ipod hpoing to keep the questions away. It worked, im not in honors classes for nothing. It was 5 minuets in the day and i already wanted it to be over. This has to be worse than PMS. I had Blake Shelton blareing in my ears and i was fine with that. Of course i had to take my earphones when the teacher started talking. 

You know when you want something to hurry up and it seems like it goes WAY to slow? ya thats how my day whent. After Honors english i whent to geomatry, then German. Finally it was time for lunch. 

I was so exousted when it was lunch time. I jumped when arms slipped around me. it was only BJ. I sighed and burried my face into him, quietly sobbing. "That bad huh?" he murrmered. "You have no idea. I'm so glad your here." i sobbed. "come on." he said wile leading me away. i could barely see where we were going. i was almost blinded by tears. When he stoped he sat down and lowerd me onto his lap. I just sat there crying wile he ate his lunch. I had a feeling he knew how hard my day had been. 

when i was done i sat up and rubbed my eyes, glad i didnt put makeup on this morning. I sighed, wishing that this feeling would go away. "Thanks BJ" i sighed. "Hey if my girl is upset im gonna do what it takes to make it better." He kissed my check. I giggled and hopped up, noticing for the first time we were on the bleachers in the gym. "I bet even after crying for twenty minuets i can still kick your ass at baskett ball." I challenged. " I beg to differ Manda. I am on the varsity baskett ball team. You dont even play..." i cut him off "then how do you explain how i beat you all the other times??" i smirked. "mood swings" i heard him mutter. "for real?" i asked "lets go!" i grabbed a ball, passed it to him and got one for me. 

That started a competitive game of HORSE. I won. again, as always. When i made the final swish in i heard applause erupt form the sidelines. "Whoa!! Go Manda!!" our good friends shouted. "Haha thanks guys!" i said wile walking over to them.  Courtney pulled me into a hug asking, "How ya doin girl? i think we need a girls night at my place to take your mind off of things." she said. I glanced at BJ, knowing that he had grow to looking forward to making out with me before i went to sleep and kissing me awake. I sighed "I'm kinda booked right now. I can do manicures though." i offered. she squealed in exitment and BJs face lit up. I smiled and winked. "After school tomarrow?" she asked, well more like yelled.  I laughed. "Sure sounds good!" i snickered as her brown hair bounced back and forth across her slim face as she bounced away.

I walked over to BJ and his pals Brent and Doug. I looped my arms around him and rested my chin on his shoulder. Ya i guess usually guys do that to girls but i knew BJ loves it. I heared Brent wisper to Doug, "He is so whipped." I heard snickering and i felt BJ chuckling. "If only he knew what we are really." i said as i teaseingly bit his ear. "God BJ you are more than just whipped..... I dont even know." doug laughed. BJ turned around so i was facing his chest. "I dont know either but i sure as hell like it." He answered. I blushed. "Common girl dont do that." he begged. I bit my lip, knowing exactly what he was talking about. "Do what?" i said now walking my fingers up his chest

"Good God get a fucking room for that stuff.. God im going to class." Brent said as he huffed off. "Class will be starting soon Ben so we should go." I said. " We will finish this later, girl. You better belive me." He looked really dissapioned. " i think i can work that in BJ." I quickly kissed his and walked away to class. 


i know your probably thinking WTH!!!!!! ya i added on to this chapter cause i felt really bad for how short it was!!! 

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