Suprise hug

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After having a long battle with Cloud Strife, Byleth surprises Erdrick with a hug after him winning the battle.

Art credits (cover): tabuhaven on insta.

Erdrick was fighting against Cloud Strife, one of his best friends. He was fighting him on the battlefield, his girlfriend was watching in the crowds. "Go Erdrick!!" Byleth cheered, cheering on for her boyfriend. Erdrick's sword clashed between Cloud's, the soldier was on his last stock. Trying to find a way to beat Erdrick, Erdrick casted "Kaboom" the explosion went through Cloud as he flew off the stage. Losing his last stock.

"And the winner is.. Hero!" Master hand says through the microphone.

Everyone cheered and clapped for the hero, Erdrick smiled as he left the battlefield. Walking towards the nearest elevator, he stepped inside as it took him to the main lobby of the mansion. Seeing his friends, "Congrats Erdrick!" Terry says as he gives him a fist bump. "Thanks Terry!" Erdrick replies back with a smile, Byleth who has gotten off of the slide lines. Saw her hero in middle of the living room, she smiled as she got up from her spot. Seeing her hero winning made her happy, Byleth was really happy that Erdrick won.

"Erdrick!" Byleth shouted, Erdrick turned around hearing the voice. He easily recognized that it was Byleth, he smiled once he saw her. Byleth ran up to him, her boots running against the smooth floor. "Byleth-" Erdrick says as he was cut off by Byleth wrapping her arms around his waist, hugging him. "I love you my hero! I love you so much Erdrick!" Byleth says in a sweet and gentle tone to her voice. Happy that her boyfriend won the battle, Erdrick blushed. A tint of red forms on his cheeks, clearly flustered by the sudden hug that he got from his girlfriend.

The hero wasn't expecting to hugged by Byleth out in public, there wasn't anyone watching but he was mostly surprised that he got hugged by her. He didn't mind of course, Erdrick smiled as he wrapped his arms around Byleth in return. Enjoying the hug that Byleth just gave him, "I'm so glad that you won Erdrick! I'm so proud of you! You deserve it love!" Byleth continues, now looking at him. Erdrick's face was still red but he was smiling at her "Thank you Byleth! It means a lot to me! And I love you too sweetheart!" Erdrick responds back to her, now chuckling. Byleth now lets go of him, giving him some space and she puts her hands on the hero's shoulders.

"I wasn't expecting you to hug me though Byleth, I was quite surprised!" Erdrick says. Byleth giggles "Well I had to! You deserve the hug Erdrick and I will always continue to support you and I will give you lots of love because you're my hero Erdrick and I will always love you!" Byleth admits, a small tint of pink forms on her cheeks. Leaning in, closing her eyes as she kisses him on the cheek. The hero blushes even more, a dark tint of red forms on his cheek. Gasping a little, shocked by the sudden kiss that Byleth gave him.

Byleth stopped as she stepped back a little, letting her arms go from Erdrick's shoulders. Erdrick smiles as he chuckles, scratching his neck with his hand "Aw Byleth! You're making me blush!" Erdrick adds, feeling a bit embarrassed but he was happy that he got kissed by his girlfriend. Byleth giggles, her smile lights up the room as she looks at him. She twists her hair with her finger, biting her lip a little and still smiling at her hero. "You're cute when you blush Erdrick!" Byleth adds. Now chuckling, making Erdrick even more flustered than before. The hero covers his face with his hands, his whole face heating up with a dark tint of red. "Okay okay, I'll stop now!" The girl continues once more. Erdrick takes his hands off of his face and looks at his girlfriend, seeing that she was still smiling. Enjoying that she is making her boyfriend blush, The hero smiles back at her. "I-it's fine Byleth! You're good" Erdrick affirmed. "But thanks for the hug though Byleth! I loved it!" Erdrick comments, having a smile on his face.

"Of course! And expect to get more hugs when you win your battles Erdrick! Because you earned it!" Byleth responds back to him. She holds her hero's hand as they make their way to the front entrance of the mansion, Erdrick opens the door and let's Byleth go in first. "But first.. let's get some ice cream!" Byleth continues with a smile on her face. Erdrick's smile softens, a small tint of pink forms on his cheeks. He was glad that he had someone like Byleth that she can support him and to cheer him on in battles, that's all that matters to him. Because Byleth means the world to him and she will continue to support Erdrick, no matter what.

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