Pocky game

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Summary: Byleth and Erdrick decide to play the pocky game, Byleth being unfamiliar with the game and Erdrick teaches her how to play it.

It was another lovely day at the smash mansion, the sun was shining, birds were singing and the summer heat was coming through as spring died down and summer came along. Of course, Erdrick stayed inside with his girlfriend because he hated the heat, he would get moody from how hot it was. So he stayed inside for the day.

Erdrick and Byleth were watching a movie on Byleth's iPad, with the AC turned on and Byleth resting her head onto Erdrick's chest, his arm wrapped around the girl's shoulder as he held her close to him. Enjoying the moment they're having together, it felt perfect and they never wanted this moment to end.

Erdrick suddenly got an idea that he wanted to do with Byleth, he wanted to do the pocky game with her. He heard of it before and he saw people doing it, so he thought it would be a great idea if he and Byleth did it too.

"Hey By" Erdrick asked causing Byleth to look up at him.

"Yes Erdrick?" Byleth replied curiously.

"I got an idea, can we pause the movie for a moment?" The hero continued.

Byleth nodded as she got close to the tablet and paused the movie and looked up to her lover.

"What's the idea you have in mind Erdrick?" Byleth added, sounding curious of what Erdrick had in mind.

"Have you ever heard of the Pocky game?" Erdrick says, smiling a bit.

Byleth never heard of it before, it caught her by surprise because she had games that she knew from back at home, horse riding and racing. And lots of more, but a game like this caught her off guard.

"No, what is that Erdrick? I never heard of it before" Byleth continued.

Erdrick grabbed a box of the pocky and opened it and tore a bit of the wrapping and held out a chocolate stick in his hands, "It's a game that people do! It's when they share a stick, they keep biting it until they win! It's fun!" Erdrick explained.

Byleth smiled from the idea.

"That sounds like fun! Let's try it!" Byleth beamed, filled with excitement, sitting up.

Erdrick chuckled as he placed the stick into Byleth's mouth, sitting up and facing in front of her. "Like this?" Byleth mumbled, the cookie like stick was still in her mouth as she spoke.

"Yeah! Just like that" Erdrick says, now putting his mouth into the stick.

The hero looked into Byleth's eyes, seeing how memorizing and enchanting it was. Sparkling in the sunlight, Byleth chuckled as she started to bite through the stick first. Snapping Erdrick out of his thoughts.

"Come on Erdrick! If you want to win, you have to have a head start!" Byleth says, filled with determination.

Erdrick bites the stick as well, feeling the softness and the chocolate taste on his lips. The hero continued to do so until the stick was small and barely he could hold it in his teeth.

Byleth bit of the stick and it was gone, but their lips closed the gap as the crumbs were on Byleth and Erdrick's lips. It didn't matter if it was still on their lips, Byleth pressed her lips between Erdrick's as he kissed her back. Lingering into the kiss, Byleth wrapping her arms around the hero's neck. Her fingers dancing between Erdrick's hair as the hero held Byleth by her waist, putting her into his lap.

They continue to kiss as they finally pulled away, breathless as they looked into each other's eyes.

"Did I.. win?" Byleth says, between breaths. Her arms were still around Erdrick's neck.

Erdrick blushed a bit, smiling a bit. "Yeah you did!" The hero added.

Byleth smiled as she celebrated her victory, "Yay! I'm glad! That was fun! We should do it again sometime Erdrick!" The girl continues.

Erdrick was happy that Byleth won, it didn't matter if he won or not because it was a game and all that matters to him that he and Byleth played it together.

The hero nodded to his girlfriend's words, Byleth continue to smile at him as she twirled a strain of the hero's hair. "Now.. where were we?" Byleth added as she leaned in for another kiss, pressing her lips onto Erdrick's lips. Erdrick kissed her back as he pulled Byleth down onto the bed gently, continuing to kiss his girlfriend lovingly.

Knowing, Byleth learned something new and she couldn't be anymore happier to have Erdrick by her side to teach her new things and they will continue to learn new things, together.

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