Taking care of you

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Byleth goes to have a battle with Sephiroth, being defeated by him and getting hurt afterwards. Erdrick sees that his best friend is injured, he goes out of his way to heal her knee. Being there by her side while healing her injury, not knowing that Byleth and Erdrick have a special moment while taking care of her.

Originally written on March 31st, 2023.

Byleth always wondered if Erdrick liked her more than just a friend it was clearly obvious that she liked the hero, the more she smiled at him, the more she fell in love with him.

Byleth always admired him the way he cares for her, the way he looks out for her and even understands how she feels. She wanted to thank him for being there for her ever since they met but she doesn't know what to give him in order to thank him for..

Byleth got out of her dorm and into her usual outfit for the battlefield, she waved to her friends Zelda and Lucina. The 3 have been friends for 3 months now, they have gotten close and knew that Byleth had feelings for Erdrick but she didn't want to rush her confession to him since she likes to take her time with these things.

"Go girl!' Zelda said, cheering her friend on with a smile on her face.

"Kick some ass girl! You've got this!" Lucina said with a thumbs up cheering on her friend.

Byleth walked a bit further until she saw the brunette smiling at her, the hero walked up to her putting his hand on her shoulder and said "Do great out there Byleth".

The girl smiled at him glad that he's giving her encouragement out on the battlefield, she can't help but to just smile at him. Byleth chuckled lightly "Thanks Erdrick I appreciate the support" she said. Erdrick smiled at her in return "Of course! I'll be cheering you on" he replied.

Erdrick then walked away to Cloud and Terry where he was hanging out at, Byleth took a deep breath and went to the battlefield.

Byleth was fighting against Seprioth one of the more powerful and stronger fighters in the mansion, although Byleth was a bit nervous to fight him but the courage and nice words that her friends and crush gave her. Made her feel confident about herself.

The girl was on the battlefield so was the one winged angel then the countdown was about to start...





"Alright you can do this Byleth don't be scared.." Byleth said to herself while grabbing her sword and attacking Seprioth.

"Why hello to you too Ashen Demon.." he snickered at her which made Byleth shiver, the nickname that everyone called her in the past made her feel scared and nervous. Byleth was too scared to notice the fact she missed her attack and Seprioth hit her with his sword, she flew off and fell onto the ground.

"Ooh.. that's gotta hurt!" Zelda said, closing her eyes a bit. "The battle just started and she got hit!" Lucina added.

"I hope she's doing okay.." Erdrick said a bit nervous for the girl, then he felt a hand on his shoulder. It was Cloud "Don't worry she will be okay Erdrick but since she is fighting Sephiroth it might be a challenge for her" He said in a more serious tone.

A couple more hits in and Byleth was on her last stock, pieces of her clothes got ripped but she was still standing "I.. I'm.. I'm not done just yet!" Byleth shouted then running up to Sephiroth hitting him with her Amyr which he flew but he came back and hit her with a surprise attack, "AH!" Byleth shouted again as she flew out of the stage and fell, causing her to scrape her knee.

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