I'd hold you on the comedown

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Summary: Byleth wakes up at 4 am on a cold dark night, thinking about her father's death and misses him dearly. Getting some fresh air outside, then Erdrick arrives to comfort Byleth in her moments of grief.

A/N: This chapter is heavily inspired by the song "Rockland" by Gracie Abrams! I hope you all enjoy this chapter!! :D

It's been years since Byleth's father passed away years ago, the girl was still very devastated when she had to watch her father die in her arms. It was heartbreaking to her, not only to lose her mother who she had never met before, but her father as well. It broke Byleth, not just her but her twin brother as well. It was hard for the both of them to loose their father figure that was in their lives.

Byleth didn't tell anyone about what happened to her father years ago, she felt like they were gonna tell everyone and spread rumors about what happened to her father. So, she kept it to herself until she can tell someone she could trust. Someone that she had a very close connection with and that was Erdrick.

Byleth told him about what happened to both of her parents 4 years ago when they first started dating, it was hard for her to talk about and it was a subject that she wasn't used to talking about to anyone. Expect for her twin brother, who she told about missing her father on some nights.

Erdrick understood of how Byleth was feeling since, Erdrick also lost his father too. So the hero completely understood of how Byleth was feeding, but the hero felt very bad for his girlfriend that she had to delt with her father's passing years ago. Erdrick comforted Byleth in the best way he could and Byleth felt like she had gained full support and love from her boyfriend.

But Byleth felt like her heart had been shattered in a million pieces that day, the day her father passed away in her arms. In the cold, wet soaking rain as she desperately tried to keep her father alive in those moments.


"Father! Please! You can stay just a little bit longer! The doctors and nurses are going to come and help you! Just.. hang on!" Byleth ordered, her voice breaking. Trying not to cry as she held her father in her arms, who was covered in blood and she was holding the wound with her hand.

"Kid.. I want you to know that you are the best daughter that I have ever had.. and to your brother as well.." The father figure said weakly, coughing up blood from his mouth.

Byleth's lips were quivering as she saw her father's eyes were closing very slowly, trying to see his daughter one last time.

"Byleth.. thank you for being the light that you brought to this world and to me as well, I'm sure your mother would see on how much you have grown and to be an amazing daughter... thank you.. for everything.." The man continued as he took his final breath, closing his eyes and letting his heart stop as he passed away.

Byleth gasped in disbelief, her hands shaking as tears were streaming through her eyes. She couldn't believe that her father, Jeralt died in her arms, in front of her.

"He's gone.."



Flashback ends

Byleth woke up panting, waking up from the bad dream she had. Then she remembered.. her father dying in her arms. It broke her heart and she immediately felt upset by the loss of her father, the girl had a lump in her throat as she turned around to get up and check the time on her phone.

It was 4:14 in the morning, the sky was still dark and she didn't want to wake up Erdrick who was sleeping soundly and peacefully. Byleth sighed as she got up from her bed, putting on some shorts and getting a soft blanket that was on her bed to cover herself while she was outside. She walked quietly, trying not to wake her boyfriend up as she made her way to the door, opening it slowly as she turned around to see the hero still sleeping.

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