Absolutely stunning

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Summary: Byleth found a new outfit to wear, feeling happy about how it came out. And she shows it to Erdrick to get his thoughts on it, knowing she looks beautiful as ever in it.

A/N: This was inspired by a drawing I saw on instagram! :D

Art credits (cover): Digicheeze on instagram.

Byleth smiled from the outfit she just put on together, feeling accomplished and proud of it. She couldn't be happier, Byleth took off her crop top and folded it. Putting it on the bed, then she grabbed the tank top as she put it over her head, feeling the soft fabric. Byleth gets her black stockings as she puts them on, covering her thighs and she grabs a light pink skirt and puts it on. Making a perfect fit, Byleth grins as she dashes to the closet. Getting a pair of shoes and putting them on, now she heads over to her nightstand. Grabbing her lipstick and putting it on her lips, to not look like that it's chapped. She smacks her lips as she takes off the remanding of the gloss left on a napkin and throws it in the small trashcan that was under the table.

Byleth then gets a yellow and blue hair clips, she puts it in the left side of her hair. Now she takes a look at herself, feeling happy that her outfit was all completed. She gets her phone, holding it in her hands and taking a seat on the bed. She enters her password, unlocking it and heading over to the message app. Seeing that Erdrick's contact was the first thing she saw, her heart skipped a beat once she saw it. Byleth taps on it and begins to message him, until she hears the door being opened. Byleth turns around once she hears the noise, turning off her phone as fast as she could and facing it down.

Erdrick opens the door, about to get some rest until he sees his girlfriend. In the most stunning outfit that he has ever saw her in.

Erdrick's cheeks heated up into a bright tint of red, his heart already beating at a fast pace. He never knew how beautiful Byleth looked in that outfit.

Byleth smiled once she saw her boyfriend, "Oh, Hi Erdrick! I was just about to see you!" Byleth says as she gets off the bed and walks up to him. With a smile on her face, "Y-you were?" Erdrick responded back to her. His tone of voice was breathless and just in pure shock. Byleth chuckles "Yes! I wanted to show you this outfit I put together!" The girl continues, doing a quick spin. Erdrick closed the door immediately, his eyes were drawn to his girlfriend. He was speechless, surprised even.

"And I wanted to get your thoughts on it! So.. how do I look?" Byleth questions as she puts her hands on her sides, locking eyes with the hero.

Erdrick's cheeks were redder than before, he couldn't imagine being so flustered over his girlfriend. Just in one outfit, but he knew that she looked beautiful in it. The way her hair was in place, the blue and yellow hair clips that shined in the light. The white crop top that complimented her body and the light pink skirt that flew when Byleth gave a quick spin just now. And her black stockings that covered her thighs, completed with white shoes that put the whole outfit in place.

And those pink kissable lips.

It was smooth and had a cherry sent from the chapstick that Byleth put on.

Erdrick smiled as he scratched the back of his neck with his hand, now taking a look at Byleth.

"You.. you look, absolutely stunning in it By!" The hero finally spoke.

Byleth blushes, a bright tint of pink forms on her cheeks. Twisting a strain of her hair with her finger, giggling softly.

"Aw! T-thank you Erdrick! I really appreciate it!" Byleth adds as she walks up to him, she is a couple inches shorter than Erdrick. Being close to him as she goes on her tippy toes to give him a quick kiss on the cheek, her lips landing on his smooth skin. The redness rose on his cheeks once more, the hero being flustered by Byleth's kiss and her kindness. Byleth leans back to see her boyfriend all flustered, Byleth smirks as she gives him more kisses all over his face. Erdrick couldn't handle it, it was a lot but. Oh, how he loved Byleth's kisses. Byleth stops once more to see that the hero's face was covered with kiss marks, Byleth let out a giggle. Seeing that his whole face was covered with her kisses.

"Your face.. its all covered up with kiss marks!" Byleth says as Erdrick lets out a small chuckle.

"Yeah.. you got me there Byleth" Erdrick adds, Byleth booping him with her finger and kissing the tip of his nose.

"But you look adorable! You're easy to get all flustered like this Erdrick" The girl concludes as she holds his hand and he sits down on her bed. Now open the drawer to get a pack of wet wipes, she holds it in her hand as she gets down to the hero's level. Cleaning the kiss marks on his face.

"But.. in the end, I love you Erdrick. I always will because you're my hero! You're the hero that made my life a whole lot better" Byleth continues, her voice soft and angelic.

Erdrick smiles, seeing that Byleth loves him and that he will always be her hero. He loved it and he loved Byleth.

Once Erdrick's face was all cleaned up, Byleth smiled as she kissed him on the forehead. "I love you too Byleth! Thank you for the kisses and showing me your outfit. You look beautiful as ever! Like a goddess" Erdrick says as he cups her cheeks in his hands, kissing her. His lips landed on her as Byleth kissed him back in return, her lips landing on his. Erdrick stops as he leans back to see a huge smile on her face, feeling happy and her heart beating a little. "How am I so lucky to have an amazing boyfriend like you Erdrick!" Byleth says as she hugs him, wrapping her arms around him. Erdrick hugs her back in return, wrapping his arms around her. Stroking her back with his hand, making small circles to give Byleth a sense of ease and to make her feel relaxed.

The two admired their company together, giving lots of love and being there for one another. Knowing that their love will never end and it will never end to them. Because it will always last, forever.

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