Making him blush

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Erdrick always gets flustered whenever he sees Byleth being the kind, sweet girl she is and she loves to see him blush and get him all flustered. That is until Byleth tries to make Erdrick blush on one of their dates together.

Erdrick has taken Byleth out on an ice cream date together, having their usual spot by the park. Spending time together like they always do, Erdrick was just finished eating his ice cream. He threw away the cup by the nearest trash can, as he walked back to where Byleth was. Byleth smiled as she ate her chocolate chip mint ice cream. "This ice cream is so good Erdrick! You have to try it!" Byleth says in delight, her eyes sparkle like diamonds. Erdrick looked at Byleth and saw her beautiful, angelic smile. "Really? Let me try some!" Erdrick responds back to her. Byleth nods as she takes a scoop of ice cream into the spoon, she hands the spoon to her boyfriend as Erdrick holds it and puts it in his mouth. The mint chocolate flavor filled his taste buds, the hero grinned from the taste of it. He took the spoon out of his mouth as he handed it back to his girlfriend.

"You're right! This is good! No wonder you always get mint chocolate chip ice cream Byleth!" The hero says, enjoying the ice cream he just ate. "See! I told you so!" Byleth adds, now chuckling.

Erdrick loved that small giggle that Byleth always does, it always made him blush and head over heels for her. A couple minutes passed by, Byleth was just done finishing up her ice cream. The two walked around the park together, seeing children running around the playground. Playing hopscotch, building sandcastles by the sandpit and mothers talking to their friends as their children run around and play together. It made Byleth happy for some reason, the thought of having a family with the hero made her smile even more. Erdrick took notice of Byleth smiling a lot, "What's on your mind that's making you smile a lot, By?" Erdrick questions, raising an eyebrow a little.

Byleth grins "Nothing!" The girl replies back to him. Erdrick smiles back at her, as they continue to walk around the park. Byleth's eyes narrow to a tree from afar, the perfect amount of shade as perfect for her. "Erdrick, let's go to the tree over there!" Byleth suggests as she grabs the hero's wrist, dashing towards the tree. Erdrick yelps as he feels Byleth dragging him towards the tree, Byleth and Erdrick got to the tree as Byleth sat down on the soft green grass, her knees crossed and her hands on her lap. Erdrick sat down right next to her, seeing how beautiful she is. Her smooth pale skin, her pink lips and her light indigo eyes. How can someone be this pretty?

Erdrick blushed, a small tint of red forms on his cheeks. Already thinking about how beautiful his girlfriend was, the hero puts a hand on his chin. Looking away, he can't let Byleth see him like this. Byleth looks over to Erdrick, seeing that his cheeks are red. She was concerned if he was having a fever. "Erdrick? Is everything alright? Your cheeks are heating up" Byleth spoke, now taking her attention to him. Erdrick jumps from the sudden voice, the hero chuckled nervously. His hand on his neck, scratching his neck. "I-I'm fine Byleth! It's just hot out here!" Erdrick lied, Byleth smirked as she scooted next to him. "Are you sure? Because it's only 70 degrees out!" Byleth teased while giggling a little. "How can she be this cute?!" Erdrick thought. Byleth then takes notice of how her boyfriend's cheeks were heating up. She chuckles quietly as she cups his cheeks in her hands. "You're cute when you blush Erdrick!" Byleth admits, a bright smile forms on her face. Erdrick's face heats up even more, a dark tint forms on his face.

She caught him red handed.

"I'm not!" Erdrick says, covering his face with his hands. Defeated that Byleth saw him all flustered. "It's true! It's adorable, seeing your soft side is really sweet! You're cute when you get all flustered Erdrick! Heh!" Byleth continues, enjoying that her hero is flustered in this very moment. Byleth then lifts a piece of Erdrick's hair, kissing him on the forehead. Erdrick felt his girlfriend's soft lips on his forehead, the hero gasped a little. Surprised that his girlfriend made the sudden move on him. "Byleth..." Erdrick mumbled, feeling even more embarrassed. Byleth stops, seeing that Erdrick's face is super red now. The girl smiled as she held her hero's hands, "I'm just teasing Erdrick! You're easy to get all flustered like this, it's cute!" Byleth chuckles.

Erdrick smiles, feeling Byleth's soft hands on his. Then he leans in and kisses her on the cheek, his cheeks heating up again. Byleth blushes, a light tint of pink forms on her cheeks. Surprised by the sudden kiss that her boyfriend gave her, Erdrick stops as he has the same smile on his face. "You're cute when you blush too, Byleth.." Erdrick says. Byleth smiles as she twirls a piece of her hair with her finger, "Aww you!" The girl continues as she lays down on her hero's lap. Her head on Erdrick's lap, Erdrick smiles. Seeing that his girlfriend is on his lap. He runs his fingers through Byleth's hair, feeling how soft it is.

"I love you Byleth! I love you so much, sweetheart" The hero says, smiling softly at her. Byleth smiles back at him, she holds Erdrick's other hand in return while he runs his fingers through her hair. "I love you too Erdrick! I love you so much, my hero" Byleth responds back to him. Enjoying the time that they are having together, "Can we stay like this for a while Erdrick?" Byleth questions. Erdrick nods "Of course! We can stay like this as long as you want, By" The hero adds. The two spend the rest of their afternoon together, enjoying their company. Knowing that Byleth will always be Erdrick's hero and Erdrick will always be Byleth's beloved. And their company and their words of affirmation, is all that they need.

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