To cry in her best friends arms - Part One

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When Byleth just received some negative feedback from social media, she goes to her best friend to tell him how she's feeling. Knowing that it may hurt Byleth to tell Erdrick about of how she's feeling, without crying.

Story inspired by: gayforddlovato

Another negative comment, thanks to Twitter and the crowd.

Byleth felt her heart shatter when she saw the comments from Twitter, that everyone is treating her like she's not enough. Like she's not one of the fighters in the smash mansion, all because she was another "fire emblem clone" and a wasted slot in the first fighters pass. She wishes that she could get the same treatment and recognition like all of the other fighters that has joined the mansion. But, she didn't. Byleth sighs sadly as she turns off her phone and flops on her bed, crying quietly into her pillow. Saddened that everyone was calling her mean names and she didn't deserve to be here. Why couldn't she get the love and recognition that she has been pining for? Why couldn't Byleth get all of the excited reactions and the smile on their faces when she got invited to smash brothers, all of this was making Byleth feel even more upset than before.

She wishes that she can at least talk to someone about this, about how she's feeling. Of how she felt when she first joined the smash roster, but there was no one she could talk to. None of her friends back home understood how she was feeling and there was no other fighter in the mansion that could even relate to how Byleth was feeling. 

She was at wits end.

That was until she could talk to a certain someone, someone who understood her the most, someone who knew Byleth very well. 

It was Erdrick.

He was the only person that understood Byleth and he was very understanding of how she felt.

Byleth got up from her bed as she wiped her tears away, her eyes still red and puffy. Hoping Erdrick wouldn't see how much of a mess she is from crying so much. The girl dashed to the door as she turned the doorknob and swung it open, running across the hallway and downstairs. Hoping that the hero will be there and not have any plans to go elsewhere at this hour.

Erdrick was just done getting some apples for his friend, Terry. Who was making an apple pie for this weekend's movie night with the hero, Erdrick had plans to go to the beach to get some things off of his mind. Even though the sun was setting down, he thought he can go before It got dark outside. The hero was sitting down on one of the chairs outside next to the pool, scrolling endlessly on his phone. Checking on the latest news in the smash world, hoping at least there would be some good things that he could check out. That was until he heard someone calling his name from afar.

"Erdrick? Erdrick!" Byleth calls out, running past the lobby of the mansion and making her way to the backyard.

Erdrick turned his head around to see the blue haired girl running up to him, he smiled once he saw his best friend. His heart was already beating from seeing her beautiful face.

"Hey Byleth! Haven't seen you all day!" Erdrick says, in a cheerful tone to his voice.

Byleth walked up to him, panting from running so much. Out of breath.

"I..I was looking for you Erdrick" Byleth spoke between breaths.

"You were?" Erdrick questions, now getting off from his seat.

Byleth nodded "Yes.. I was, I need to talk to you about something!" The girl continues.

Erdrick didn't know what Byleth needed to talk to him about, he raised an eyebrow in curiosity.

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