Spin the bottle

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Zelda, Lucina, Byleth, Erdrick, Terry and Cloud play spin the bottle. Not knowing it would land on Byleth in middle of the game and having their first kiss together.

Story inspired by gayforddlovato

Spin the bottle was one of those games at parties or events that everyone played, the feeling of having to kiss your crush or the one you liked was nerve-racking. But it was a bittersweet feeling, really. Byleth sat down in the circle, her best friends next to her and seeing Erdrick was there. Byleth had the biggest crush on Erdrick, she wasn't expecting to fall in love with her best friend. Even her friends knew that she liked the hero, the way she would blush by talking about him and Zelda would always tease Byleth about him. Lucina on the other hand didn't mind Byleth's crush on him, she would give the girl advice on how to talk to him and their bond between them were stronger than ever. But Byleth didn't knew that Erdrick liked her back, because she thought that she wasn't good enough to have someone in her life. But it was the complete opposite when she found, the one.

It was Erdrick.

But Erdrick also had a crush on Byleth. He made it super obvious, his face would go red whenever he would say something sweet or loving about Byleth. Thinking about her all the time and the hero admiring Byleth from afar. He loved her, he loved everything about the girl. Her sweet and angelic laugh, her smile that would always light up a room whenever she entered one and the way she was super kind and nice to everyone. Erdrick thought what it would be like to be her's, to be her boyfriend and would do anything in his care to make Byleth happy. Considering Byleth didn't get the most positive reaction when she joined smash brothers, people hated her because she was considered "Another fire emblem clone" and she didn't like that. She wanted to have a good reaction and to have a warm welcome into the smash mansion, but she didn't. The hero wondered why everyone hated the sweetest and kind girl like Byleth, he didn't understand that. Erdrick would do anything to make her feel like herself.

Erdrick was too scared to tell Byleth how he felt, he was scared that it would ruin the friendship that he had with her. That she was gonna walk away and throw away the friendship that they both had, in the dust. But Erdrick knew that Byleth wouldn't do that, at least he hope she didn't. So he brushed away how he felt and hoped that Byleth felt the same way as him.

It was Erdrick's turn to spin the bottle, after Zelda spuned it. Erdrick's hands were on the bottle as he spinned it, he crossed his fingers hoping that it would land on Byleth and it did. Erdrick's cheeks heated up with a light tint of red, already flustered that it landed on his best friend. Zelda squealed in excitement as Cloud gave Erdrick a thumbs up of encouragement. Byleth smiled as she went into the middle of the circle, her knees on the floor. Erdrick also went into the circle as well, now looking at Byleth. Seeing how nervous she was, the girl bit her lip as she looked to the side and back to the hero. Erdrick's hands were all sweaty, his cheeks burning red. He looked to his friends, Terry smirking at him and Cloud signaling with his hand, telling his friend to kiss Byleth. Erdrick's heart beated rapidly, feeling it in his chest as he knelt in front of her.

Byleth didn't want her first kiss to go to waste, she waited for this for a long time. Her heart beated as well as she took a breath, before she could say anything, Erdrick spoke "We d-don't have to do this if you don't want to Bylet-" Erdrick spoke as he was cut off by Byleth leaning in and kissing him. Her hand on his cheeks, her lips on his as he gave him a quick peck. Byleth stopped as she leaned back and smiled, acting like the kiss didn't mean anything to her. Erdrick's eyes widen from what he just experienced, he couldn't believe that Byleth kissed him. She kissed him, in front of his friends. Erdrick didn't care, all that he could think about was that simple kiss. It meant so much to the hero, he loved it and he wanted Byleth to kiss him again. He dreamed for this moment for so long and it finally happened. His feelings for Byleth grew stronger and stronger, having butterflies in his stomach.

It took Erdrick by surprise that Byleth kissed him, the hero scooted up to her as he puts his hand on her cheek. Byleth blushed, a bright tint of pink forms on her cheeks. "Erdrick? What are you-" Byleth says, but she gets cut off by Erdrick kissing her. His lips pressing on hers, having a small peck on her lips. The hero stopped as he leaned back, his face redder than before. Byleth smiles back at him, Erdrick stands up as he holds Byleth's hand and took her outside of the mansion, leading her outside to the garden. Once they got to the garden, Erdrick turned around to face Byleth and looked into Byleth eyes. "I..I'm sorry that I kissed you Erdrick, I got too caught up in the moment and-" "Byleth it's okay, I wanted to kiss you too" Erdrick admits.

Byleth couldn't believe of what she was hearing, that her best friend wanted to kiss her as well. She didn't knew that Erdrick wanted to kiss her, but it felt like a dream. It was no dream, it was real. "You.. wanted to kiss me too Erdrick?" Byleth asks, hoping she was hearing it correctly. Erdrick nods as he walks up to her, holding her hand now smiling at her "Yes I have and I have been waiting to for the longest time. I've dreamed for this moment for so long now! And.." Erdrick says, now taking a pause to collect his thoughts.

"I want you to kiss me again" Erdrick continues, a dark tint of red forms on his cheeks. Byleth's eyes widen, she wasn't expecting for Erdrick to say that. That the hero wanted to be kissed again by the new girl, the two stayed silent for a while as she puts her hand on Erdrick's cheek. Creasing it with her thumb, "I also want to kiss you too Erdrick, for the longest time I dreamed about this and I realized that I love you" Byleth admits, Erdrick's eyes widen. Did he just hear that Byleth loved him? That the new girl actually liked him back, that Byleth loved him. It was a complete shock to the hero.

Erdrick smiles back at her, a bright tint of red forms on his cheeks. His heart beating like drums, "I love you too Byleth, I really do" The hero responds back to her, feeling the wind flow by. Byleth walks up to him as she holds his hand, Erdrick looks into her eyes. Byleth's eyes sparkle like stars in them, the hero then looks at her lips and back at her. "Byleth.." Erdrick spoke as he took a deep breath, a small tint of red forms on his cheeks. "Can I kiss you?" The hero says, biting the bottom of his lip. Deeply regretting what he said, Byleth nods. "Yes you can Erdrick!" The girl adds. Erdrick holds her hands, feeling how soft it was. Then he leans in and kisses her, Byleth closes her eyes and kisses Erdrick back in return. Wrapping her arms around his neck, Erdrick pulls Byleth close to him by her waist, slowly.

This feeling that Byleth and Erdrick felt was magical and new, it felt like sparks all around. Erdrick felt Byleth's soft lips press on his, of how soft it was. The hero stopped as his lips parted from her's, Byleth smiled as she hugged him. Wrapping her arms around him, a bright tint of pink forms on her cheeks. "I love you Erdrick! I love you so much" Byleth says, her voice soft and sweet. Erdrick smiles back as he hugs her in return, wrapping his arms around her in return. Securing her, her head on Erdrick's chest.

"I love you too Byleth! I love you so much, sweetheart" The hero responds back to her. His voice soft and gentle. The two stayed close together, enjoying each other's company. Admiring one another, in this very moment. And they will remember this moment, forever.

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