Out of style

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Summary: After seeing Taylor wore her new 1989 outfit for the concert in Paris, Byleth decides to make her own and the first person to show it to is Erdrick, knowing that he will be head over heels for Byleth when she wears the outfit.

A/N: Hi, I'm LOVE with the new 1989 outfit that Taylor has worn for the eras tour!! So here's a new oneshot based off of it!! Enjoy!!

The outfits that Taylor wore at the Eras tour was incredible, the outfit changes and how the fans would go wild when Taylor would come out with a new outfit on.

Byleth loved the outfits that Taylor wore of course and she wanted to spend her day of making her own version of the outfit.

Byleth gathered her things together as she had two different color boots, one pink and one blue. The top of the outfit was pink and the skirt was blue, she didn't mind that it showed a bit of skin on her stomach. Byleth felt comfortable in her own skin and she didn't feel embarrassed when there was skin showing on, but she didn't really like it when there was some outfits that she saw that would show too much skin.

But this outfit was fine for her, so she didn't mind of course.

Byleth puts on the top on first, feeling the soft fabric on her skin. And she held the blue skirt in her hands, seeing some sort of shorts already inside them already. She puts them on, having a nice feeling to it as well. Lastly, she puts on her boots, having some short socks on as well, then she goes over to look at herself in the mirror. Seeing how she looks, her hair was brushed and her blush on her cheeks were still there from hours ago.

Then she opens the door as Byleth exits her dorm, running downstairs as she goes to find the hero.

Erdrick was just about to head upstairs to his dorm, to get his phone. He forgot to get it when he was hanging out with his friends, until he heard someone running down the stairs. He looked up, seeing his girlfriend running down the stairs. But he didn't see the outfit she was in, Byleth reached the final step as she bumped into Erdrick. Which made Byleth yelp a little, "Ah! I'm sorry! I didn't watch of where I was going" Byleth says.

"Nono it's okay really-" Erdrick replies, now seeing his girlfriend up close. Who was backing up.

"Erdrick!" Byleth spoke happily.

"I wanted to see you!" The girl continues.

Erdrick let out a small chuckle, "Really?"

"Yeah! I saw that Taylor wore a new 1989 outfit for her concert in Paris! And I knew I had to recreate it! How do I look?" Byleth adds, now doing a small spin. Her skirt flowing, and she faces the hero again with a smile on her face.

Erdrick felt his cheeks get warm, a bright tint of red forms on his face. His heart races from the sight of her, of how beautiful and gorgeous Byleth looked. She looked stunning, so divine.

He couldn't help to just smile at her, Byleth smiled at him as well. She let out a giggle, "What's wrong Erdrick? Cat got your tongue?" Byleth teased as she takes a couple steps close to him, her finger on his chin. Making him even more flustered than he was before, a bright tint of red covers his whole face. Covering his face with his hands, "No.." The hero mumbled, feeling defeated.

Byleth laughed again, seeing his reaction. She thought it was adorable to see him so flustered, "I'm kidding Erdrick! I was just teasing!" The girl goes on, seeing the hero remove his hands from his face. The redness from his face fading away slowly, "Heh.. yeah, but you look beautiful in that outfit Byleth! You look spectacular!" Erdrick says, now holding her hand to give her a quick twirl. Byleth chuckles as she felt being spun a little, then she wraps her arms around Erdrick's neck. Looking into his brown eyes.

"Thank you Erdrick! You're so kind! I appreciate your kind words my hero!" Byleth responds back to him, feeling her boyfriend's hands on her waist. Pulling her close to him slowly, "Of course Byleth! You are so beautiful and just the sweetest person ever! You're like a goddess but you're perfect to me in my eyes" Erdrick adds, now locking eyes with her's. Erdrick leans in to give Byleth a quick kiss, unexpectedly, Byleth leans in and kisses him first. Her lips landing on his.

Erdrick's eyes widen, a small tint of red forms on his cheeks. His eyes closes as he kisses her back in return, his lips pressing on her's. Feeling how soft and warm it was, it was magical and it sent sparks all over him. The two stop as Byleth leans back, the couple chuckle as they head back to their dorm. Enjoying their company together, knowing that they will never go out of style.

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