Our own sleepover

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Summary: On a summer night, Byleth and Erdrick have their own sleepover together. Making a fort together and watching movies together, ending up to be a memorable night for the two.

Sleepovers were always fun, it was a way to spend time with the people you love. And Byleth loved it, she loved having sleepovers with Zelda and Lucina. Having pillow fights with them and endless nights of fun, but she realized she never had sleepover with her boyfriend before. It made her feel bad, she felt bad that she never had one with him before. So, Byleth wanted to surprise Erdrick with one. Having their own sleepover together.

5:30 PM.

Byleth gathered all of the things she needed, a bunch of soft and puffy blankets to make a huge fort. Some candy, popcorn and drinks for the movie that Byleth picked out and lastly. She made her bed extra comfy if her and Erdrick wanted to sleep on Byleth's bed instead of the fort. Byleth smiled once she placed the small table tray that was on top of her bed, having all of the snacks and drinks on top of it. "Erdrick is going to love this! I can't wait to show it to him!" Byleth squealed in excitement, the girl smiles as she sat down on her bed. Hoping to not knock over the small table tray as she kicks her legs in excitement, she was so happy to have the sleepover with her hero.

Her phone vibrated as Byleth's excitement was interrupted, she scooted towards the end of her nightstand. Unplugging her phone from the charger, she taps her phone as she reads her unread messages.

Erdrick: Hey Byleth! I'm done helping Cloud to get ready for his date with Tifa! I'll see you soon sweetheart! Love you! <3

Byleth smiles once she received the text message from her boyfriend, she replies to him back as she turns off her phone and walks towards the door. Turning the doorknob, opening it as Byleth walks out and closing the door shut on her way out. Byleth didn't feel like taking the elevator, she didn't want to get used to by taking it every single day. So she decided to take the stairs, Byleth ran down the stairs. Byleth couldn't take her excitement any longer, she wanted to have a sleepover with Erdrick for so long and she couldn't be anymore happier.

Byleth finally got to the first floor as she panted, catching her breath now walking past the first floor and going into the main lobby. She looked for Erdrick, he was nowhere in sight. Until she heard the door open, it was her hero. Erdrick stepped inside the mansion as he saw his girlfriend, it was the first thing that Erdrick saw. "Hey Byleth!" Erdrick calls out, Byleth turns around. Recognizing the voice, Byleth smiles happily as she runs up to him. Hugging Erdrick as she wraps her arms around his neck, "Erdrick!" Byleth says to him. Erdrick stumbled a little but he kept his balance, hugging Byleth in return and wrapping his arms around her back. Giving her a spin.

"Thank you for waiting darling! I appreciate it! But what's the surprise you wanted to show me?" Erdrick questions as he lets his girlfriend go, Byleth takes her hands off of hero's neck as she continues to have the same smile on her face. "You're going to love it Erdrick! I have worked on this all day!" Byleth explains as she sees the excited look on her boyfriend's face, "Well what are we waiting for!" Erdrick responds back to her, Byleth held her hero's hand as the two ran across the first floor and running upstairs. The couple making their way to the 3rd floor of the mansion, Erdrick was excited to see of what Byleth is going to show him. It made him happy and curious at the same time.

Once they got to the 3rd floor, they make their way to their dorm as Byleth puts her hand on the doorknob, "Close your eyes okay Erdrick? And no peeking!" Byleth says with a small giggle, "I won't!" Erdrick responds back to his girlfriend. Byleth opens the door, stepping inside the dorm. Erdrick taking a couple small steps inside the dorm. "Okay you can open your eyes now Erdrick!" Byleth continues, now looking at her boyfriend. Erdrick opens his eyes as he gasps, seeing the room turn into a whole new world.

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