Can't help to blush around her

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Summary: Erdrick tries his very best to hide his feelings away from his best friend Byleth, even when it's hard to not blush around her. Until Byleth accidentally makes Erdrick blush when he bumps into her at the library.

A/N: This is the first oneshot that I'm doing POVS!! It may not be good since this is my first time doing POVS, but let me know how I did and if you all want more POV onehots from either Byleth or Erdrick's POV's! Enjoy! :)

Erdrick's POV.

I was just finishing up lunch and I was in the library reading some books, I don't read often but Robin told me it was a good way to read books and find information about certain things. I flip through the pages as I sigh, "Why is it so hard to find a perfect book to read?" I whisper to myself as I put the book back on the shelf and started to find another book that will hopefully, catch my eye.

There are some good books at the smash mansion, don't get me wrong but it's hard to find the right one. I look back and forth, desperately trying to find the right book. That was until something caught my eye, it was the manga section. I smile as I run up to the isle and look through which manga I wanted to read, I picked out a random Dragon ball manga and flipped through the pages. It was a good manga and I'm starting to get into the series, that was until I put the book back and bumped into someone.

"I'm sorry! I didn't see you there!" I apologize and I look up to the person, not realizing who I just bumped into.

Oh God..

It was Byleth..

My best friend and my crush.


Byleth smiles at me while putting the book back into the shelf.

"It's okay Erdrick! I didn't see you either! But I didn't know you read!" Byleth says while letting out a small chuckle.

My heart races as I look away while blushing, I could feel my cheeks burning already. How is she this cute!? Her smile and her giggle is too cute..

"Y-yeah.. I read books but I don't read them as often.." I say quietly, putting my hand over my face. Trying to hide how red my cheeks were.

Damn, I look like a fool whenever I blush around her but.. I can't help myself!

"Oh really? What kind of books do you read about Erdrick?" Byleth asks as I look at her and I immediately lock eyes with her. My mind stops for a moment as I look at her features, her teal hair is in place and it was always soft and smooth from the way I look at it. Her beautiful light indigo eyes that I get lost into and her pink soft lips, God. Her smooth kissable lips, she looks like an angel. I smile at her as I play with my fingers, "Uh.. I read manga, mainly dragon ball manga.. what books do you read Byleth?" I question her. Byleth hands me a romance book, I hold the book in my hands as I feel the smooth hardcover book in my hands. I turned it around to see the back of the cover, It was a nice good and I understand why Byleth wanted to read it.

I handed back the book to Byleth "That's a nice book Byleth! Your into romance I see?" I say as I smirk at her jokingly, but already regretting of what I said to her. I look at Byleth her cheeks turn into a bright tint of pink, blushing from what I said and she chuckles embarrassingly. "Y-yes I do! I do read romance.." Byleth says softly while biting her lip, flustered from the way I said that just now. "Maybe it wasn't a good time to flirt with her.." I thought. Then I started to make my way to one of the tables that was across the isle, I pull of one of the chairs and sat down and I looked over to Byleth walking up to me as she pulls a chair to sit down next to me.

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