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Today, I'm a little bit late. I didn't get a proper sleep last night because many things are bothering me.

I am now at a mini store, buying foods for my breakfast before going to school. I know I'm very late but I can't study if I'm hungry. Duh. I am used to being like this so imma just go with the flow. I fed the cat before I left.

So I went to the counter to pay and left. But I didn't expect to see someone outside. 


I ignored him and walked away. What is he doing here? 

"Hazel! Please talk to me." he followed me.

"I want to be alone, Semi. Is it so hard to understand?" I said coldly.

"But.. I'm just worried about you." 

I sighed and look at him. "Thanks but.. how did you know that I'm here?"

"I didn't know that you're here. I just happen to see you. How are you?" Semi is my half brother. But he's not the reason why I left. We're on good terms. 

"It's just been 4 days since I'm away Semi, I am not fine and still adjusting."

"This is all his fault. I already talked to him why he did that but he said-" I cut him off.

"Hep! I don't want to hear anything about him."


"Hmm, what are you doing here huh?" I asked. The reason I don't want to talk to him a while ago is because he will ask me to go home. But looks like he's not gonna do that so.. okay let him be.

"Ahh I don't want to say hehe." hmm for sure it's a girl. 

"Okay. Good luck. I have to go I'm very late."

"You're still coming to school at this hour?" he asked. Tss, as if he doesn't know me.

"You know me. Don't tell anyone about me okay?" I said before I left.

Now, I have to think of excuse why I am late hehe. Maybe because I got lost? Yeah that was a good excuse. 

I am now facing the door of our classroom. I opened it and they are looking at me now. 

"Why are you late?" asked by the teacher. As expected.

"I got lost on the way ma'am hehe." It's a lie. No. It's an excuse. When it comes to me, it's okay.

Because of me being a transferee, she believed me and told me to sit down. Success. But after a few minutes it's already break time. Am I that late? 

I went to my locker to get my guitar but Kenji showed up. Ow I forgot about him. And since I lied this day too, I will forgive him.

"Hazeeeel! Where were you yesterday?" he asked. We're at this bench again. 

"I avoided you because you lied to your team that I am there because of Airon." I said honestly.

"Just because of that?"

I glared at him. "I hate liars the most."

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