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*At the beach*

"Hazel! Come here in the sand!" Kenji shouted my name.

The weekend arrived and we're now at the beach. Airon and I went to school to meet them. Their girlfriends are there too and we greeted each others. Then when we got in the bus, Annie made an attemp to sit beside Omi but he pulled me over and sat beside him before Annie get close to us hehe.

So yea, until now she's glaring at me. I am with the girls and the boys are playing beach volleyball. Omi is there too.

"Why don't we play too?" - the captain's girlfriend. I can tell that she's the kindest here. Her name is Aki.

"Sure." they all agreed.

Then they looked at me. "Hehe I don't know how to-"

"Aww don't worry it's simple. Let's goo." Annie grabbed my hand and pulled me along with the others.

Hmm.. I thought she will not let me play with them but she counted me in. What's her deal? Well, it's just a game and I can just recieve the ball or throw it. Since I watched a lot of games.

"Okay let's play 3vs3." - Aki said and grouped ourselves.

I am with Aki and the other girl while Annie is on the other side. She looks happy and excited to play. Oww kay?

"Hazel, you just have to recieved the ball okay?" I nodded at her. "Then I will play the setter and she will be the spiker." Aki explained.

"Eh? Isn't that hurt?" I asked.

"Hahaha don't worry, I think they won't send the ball that hard."

"Yea don't be scared of the ball. Let's enjoy this okay?" - Aki really is kind. I can feel it with her, not like Annie.

I awkwardly smiled. "O-okay."

"All right! Let's start! We will serve first."- Aki.

She gave the ball to our teamates and she served it. I looked at the other side of the net and saw them recieved it then toss to Annie and she spiked it hard in my direction. I thought I can recieve that but I flew away when it hit my arms.

'It hurts shit!'

"S-sorry." I apologized.

"Don't mind. Let's get the next one."- Aki.

The game goes on and I didn't recieved any ball hehe. I thought they'll be mad at me but they just laugh how suck I am.

"Hahaha you really suck. But don't mind. Let's still enjoy."

"She's right." - Aki.

"Can I play as a setter?" I asked. I remembered what Omi thought me that time. How to set the ball.

They looked at each other and nodded. "Sure let's switch places."

Now I am close from the net and waiting for the ball. Annie is in the front too. She's smirked at me.

"Watch out for the ball flying to your face." she warned me.

"Y-yes." why is she saying that?

The ball comes and I tossed it to Aki perfectly and she hit it and scored.

"Yey! Nice toss!" They both come to me and gave me high ten hehe.

"Hehe lucky." Aww I hope Omi's watching me right now and see that he taught me well haha.

"Yes haha now it's your turn to serve."

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