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Days passed, I still doing my routine with Airon coming here every morning to cook our breakfast then going to school together. Kenji and I grew more close too, he's with me at school until we parted ways to go home. Sometimes, I watches their practice to see ... Airon hehe. Then he comes over at dinner and he's teaching me how to cook 'cause I asked him to do so. And maybe .. I might fall for him. Is it alright or not?

"What's wrong?" we're eating breakfast now.

"Hmm why?"

"You're spacing out again." - Airon.

"No I'm not. Today is your team's official match right?"

He nodded. "Why? You'll watch your friend again?"

No. Not him. You. "Yea. I'll try not to be bored and watch your games until the end hehe."

"Okay. You'll go there alone?" - Airon.

"I don't have friends except for you and Kenji so yes. I am used to watch alone.."

"What do you mean? You used to watch a volleyball tournament?" - Airon.

Gad! I slipped. I don't want to remember that again. He actually called me after what he did? The nerve!

"No.. I mean.. yeah."

"Tss. Be carefull and try not to get lost. There will be many people there." - Airon.

So caring as ever. "Sure."

"Call me if something happened." - Airon.

"Nothing bad will happen okay?"


Or so I thought hehe. Why do I feel like I'm lost? Where's the Sendai Gymnasium again? Oh there it is. And where's the court they're playing?

I didn't expect this gym to be this big. It's bigger than Malls. It's like Arena. So I have no choice but to ask for direction. The lady told me where to go so I left after I thanked her.


I stopped when I heard that voice calling my name. I turned to look and yea.. it's him. Why is he here? I saw him wearing their jersey uniform, so they made it here too huh?

"Why are you here?" he asked.

I stared at his face. The face I loved once. The face that made me happy and the face who hurt me. All the memory suddenly came back to me and I felt like I'm about to cry.

"Haze.. I'm so-" he was cutted off when someone pulled me and hide me behind him.


"Let's go." he said and held my hand.

"Wait Haze.." he grabbed my other hand. "Let's talk."

"Let go, Harry." I said coldly. I saw the sadness in his eyes but I chose to look away. He had no choice but to let go and we left him there alone. Why does it still hurts.

"I won't ask who that is. So don't you let that tears of yours to fall." - Airon.

Hahaha is this the way he's comforting me? It's effective. "Of course not. I don't cry."

"I was waiting and looking for you, I thought you were lost." - Airon.

"Hahaha I was lost. I just asked for direction so I made it here."

"'Kay, let's go. Your friend is looking for you too." he said and led me to his team.

They were wondering why Airon and I are together. He just ignored their questioning eyes so of course I need to give them answers.

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