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I'm really sure my face is red as a tomato now. I was speechless, dumbfounded and I don't know. Why the heck am I feeling like this toward him? I feel comfortable and safe with him as if we knew each other too much and we're close. But he said we aren't even friends, also, I freaking have Harry! I can't cheat on him, he's very kind and he loves me too much.


I came back to my senses when someone shouted my name. I didn't notice that we're outside this huge and expensive school. WTH! I'm studying here? Then a guy came running towards me and then hugged me firmly.


"W-Wha- ... are y-you crying?" I asked 'cause I really heard him sobbing while hugging me.

He faced me and he's really crying. "I'm so worried about you!"

Omi went beside me, damn. I can still feel my heart beating fast whenever he's near. "He's Kenji, your bestfriend."

"Yeah, I'm Kenji. Don't you ever forget again." He wiped his tears and smiled at me. He's cute, tall, white skinned and handsome. Wow, nice choice of friend Hazel hehe.

I gave him a weak smile. "K-Kenji. Sorry, I can't-"

"I know you can't remember." He jokingly rolled his eyes. "But don't worry, I'll- , no, we'll make you remember hahaha." He grabbed my arm to enter the gate. Omi is behind me. "First, let's go the place where we first met." He looked at the guy behind me. "Is that okay, Airon?"

'Airon Miguel Smith.'

I massaged my temple when I heard something, as if the name Kenji mentioned just now popped out from my memory. "A-Airon?"

"Hmm? You don't know him?" Kenji look confused and turned to Omi. "He's Airon, your boy-"

"Kenji." Omi stopped him from talking.

"Omi?" I turned to him too. "You said it's Omi, not Airon."

He sighed and gave Kenji a meaningful look and shook his head. Then he looked at me again, I was taken aback when I saw sadness in his eyes, or is it just me who can notice that? "I'll come to you later."


"You can trust him. Just don't talk to other guy except from him, got it?" Okay, he's serious now, gone the sadness and joy in his eyes earlier. So I nodded at him 'cause I don't want to get him mad. I don't like it. I want his kind side. "Kenji, take care of her while I'm talking to her lecturers."

"Sure." Kenji nodded and before I can even ask, he left. Aww, I want to be with him more.

"Ouch!" I grunted when Kenji suddenly flicked my forehead. "What is yer prob?"

"Hahaha you're mean, just like what you did on the first day we made friends." He laughed. "You look like you want to be with him instead of me."

My eyes widened as I felt  my cheeks heating up, so my hand landed on his arm and hits him. "O-Of course not-"

"Hahaha it's okay! You can have him all you want."

"Nah. I have a boyfriend." I informed. I actually forgot to call him but he's not calling me either, what's his problem? The last thing I remember is we, being clingy on each other, calling and texting before and after school or when we had free time. Now, why do I feel that I don't want to do that anymore? Why I can't feel the feeling I had for him before? Why do I feel like I just missed him and ... not love him. Hays, this is very wrong, I don't want to hurt him.

"I know-"

"You know Harry?"

His brows furrowed. "Harry?"

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