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"Are you really sure about this babe?"

I told Airon that I got the job that easily. He can't believe it too at first just like me. Well, who would have thought that I can be hired this quick. Miss Iris must really need a staff, she said she will train me on my first day.

"Yes." I can't tell him the real reason why I want to do this. Of course we will fight or he'll get mad if I said that my real father wants to marry me to someone else.

He sighed. "There's nothing I can do to stop you, so okay. I'll come by to that store to check on you. Always."

"Yey! Thank you Omiiii." I said excitedly and hugged him. We're sitting outside my house, I added a small table and chairs in my terrace so we can relax here hehe.

He wrapped his arms around me. "So, mind telling me why you were hugging that germ earlier? I thought you went to watch me-"

"Y-you.." I was shocked and looked at him, he's blushing and pouting. Awww so cute. "You knew where I was sitting?"

"Tss, of course. You promised to watch me so I searched for you in the crowd."

"Hehe don't mind that. Anyways, what about we go on a date tomorrow?" I asked him because it's sunday.

"Yes sure. Where do you want to go?"

"Hmm.. I want to go-" before I finish my sentence, my phone suddenly rings, when I looked at it, Kenji is calling. So I answered it.

"Kenji?" I looked at Omi and then he nodded at me.

["Hazel! Hahaha I have a very very good news!"] he sounds excited and happy on the other line.

"Heh? What is it?"

["My arrange marriage is off!"] he shouted.

My eyes widened when I realized what he said. I don't know if I'll happy or not. I think they have chemistry and they are actually look good together hehe I want to ship them more. It means their company is okay now, hays how about my Dad's?

"Ohh.. why? What happened?"

["I want to tell you personally so let's meet tomorrow, I'll treat you. You can bring Airon too hehe."]

"Ehh?? No, we have a date tom-"

"Babe it's okay. We can go with him." Omi said, he's listening to my phone too.


["Bye! See you!"] he said and he hanged up.

I sighed. Their problems are solved while mine is just started. I hope Mom and Dad are okay, hope they're doing fine trying to be the major shareholder again. Why don't they asked Kenji and Annie's father since they're friends, right? Hmm, maybe I'll ask Kenji about that.

"Hey! Hi! Hello!"

Omi and I looked at the voice who's shouting. A girl standing and waving in front of my house. "Who is that? Do you know her, Airon?"

"Really, you're calling my name? I don't know her babe." he said and glared at me.

"Hehe I thought she was calling you since I don't know her either."

"Tss, why don't you ask her?"

"Okay." I stood up and walked towards the girl. Omi followed me. He's behind me, hiding hehe cutiee.

"Uh who are you?" I asked.

She smiled and took my right hand and shaked it. "I'm Chloe, we just moved in in this neighbourhood."

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