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I don't know if he knows the meaning of this but I want to say it to him right now, under the bright moon.

"The moon is beautiful tonight, isn't?"

My heart is pounding like crazy at this moment. I can't help but to look at him when he spoke.

"Yes, the moon is beautiful.." he's looking at me too, it's like we're looking and talking to each others soul. "not just tonight. Always."

My eyes and lips went wide opened when I heard his answer. I slowly put my hand to cover my mouth, I am shaking and I think I'm close to crying right now.


He stood up and kneel in front of me that made me more shocked. "Hazel."

"W-wait! W-what are y-you doing? G-get up. You're gonna get germs and dirt-"

He smiled at me and reached for my right hand. I am holding the guitar with my other hand. "Don't you remember me?"

I confusingly looked at him. "Huh?"

He chuckled. "I saw a girl playing alone at night in a park. I watched her laughing and enjoying the swing, then she fell. I helped her to get up and gave her a handkerchief. I told her to go home, and I secretly followed her to make sure she got home safe."

Now I am more shocked. "Y-you.. that's you?"

"I just realized that it's you when you brought me to the same house that kid went in." he pulled my hand and we stood up, facing each other.


"Hazel, I may look like not interested in love but..." he's now holding both of my hands. "Ever since I saw you as a kid and the first time I saw you almost got hit by a car, I felt the same feeling. I fell in love with you at first sight, two times."

"Airon.." my tears fell down my cheeks as I heard what he said.

He wiped my tears off my face using his tumb. "Oi, don't cry. I don't like seeing you cry."

"Haha it's a tears of joy." I said and then I hugged him, very tight.

"W-what.."- him.

"I can't express all the words I want to say but one thing is for sure.." I let go and faced him. "We have the same feelings."

"Y-you love me too?"

I smiled at him and slowly put my hands on his face. I leaned closer and kissed him on the lips. When I pulled away, I saw his shocked expression that made me laugh.

"This is the answer. I love you."

Even in this dark place where only the moon giving us light, I can saw his face blushing. I find it very cute.

"Hahaha you're very cute Omi."

"Tss. I love you more." he hugged me. "And what's Omi?"

"It's my own version of the word My love hehe."

"Hmm I like that." he pulled away again and hold my hand. "Then, you're my girlfriend now, okay?"

I nodded. "Yes my Omi."

He patted my head and smiled again. "Thank you. I'm not sure if I can be the best boyfriend but I-"

I stopped him. "Hep! You don't need to be the best. I love you just the way you are. Just be yourself and I'll still love you."

Love At Third SightWhere stories live. Discover now