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"Haze! Look, I got ice cream for us!" Harry sat beside me and gave me the vanilla flavor. We're now in this cafe but we ordered this.

I smiled at him and kiss him on the cheeks. "Thank youuuu Harry."

"Hmm of course. Wait," he took his phone from his pocket. "Let's take a picture."

We smiled at the camera. "Make sure I look good on that okay?"

"You always look good my Haze. Haha." his smile can brighten anyone's day. It shines like the sun.

He's sweet and kind to me. We always hang out after school. He introduced me on his family first, then he took me to his club and met his friends. They all look happy for us so I decided to watch their every practice.

"Haze! I saw a guitar shop right there. Do you want to look or buy one?" he knows what I want.

We're having a date today and walking holding each other's hand. "Sure."

We went to the store and I bought one. I handed it to him and invited him to rest on the circle. We sat on the bench.

"Let me try if this guitar can sing along with me." He gave it to me and I started to play.

He still look amazed at me even when I always doing this for him. "I can fall asleep while listening to it."

I stopped playing and looked at his happy face. "Hahaha I love you Harry."

"I love you too, Haze."


"Oi, enjoying the dream?"

I woke up on a bus. I fell asleep on Airon's shoulder?

"Hehe sorry." I gave him a peace sign.

He sighed. "We're about to get off."

I nodded at him and looked away. That dream, it felt real. Well, that really happened before, we were so happy with each other back then, he just suddenly gave me a cold treatment and the next thing I knew, he's kissing another girl.

We got off the bus and now walking back to our houses. I noticed that he's quiet, well he always does but it looks different now.

"What's wrong?" I asked.

He was startled by me so I laugh at him. "Hahaha looks like you're spacing out, Mr. Airon."

"Tss. I'm just tired." he said.

Before we left my parents house, we insisted on cooking for them. And of course, we cleaned the kitchen too. That's why he's tired hehe. But atleast he's not regretting coming home with me.

"Sorry, I'll never gonna inv-"

"No. It's okay." - him.

"Did you liked our place?"

We're in front of their house now. He stopped and face me. "I enjoyed it."

I smiled at him. "Me too. I enjoyed the time being with you."

I was shocked when I said it out loud. Gad! I thought that was on my mind. He would think I have something for him.

He patted my head again and smiled. "Go home and take a rest, we have a class tomorrow. See you."

I felt like my heart skipped a beat by what he did. I'm sure my face turned red 'cause I feel hot. Gad, I want to scream! I can't say any word so all I can do is nod. Then I turned away and ran to my house.

"Kyaaaaa! What is this? I have a crush on him? I like him?"

Come to think of it, we're always together before and after school. I always feel my heart beat fast when I'm with him. When I'm looking at his eyes, it feels like I'm being hypnotized. I wonder if I crossed in his mind too. Is it just me who's slowly falling? What about him? Does he even know love or romance? I think he doesn't feel that to any other girl. But he's kind to me. He smiled for me.

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