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"Harry, why aren't you calling me?" I said while pouting, I'm talking with him on call.

["Haze, I just want to give you space."] I heard him sighs. ["I know it is hard for you to suddenly live there alone-"]

"Yes this is hard for me. That's why I needed you. Can't you visit me?" We always have each other whenever one of us has a problem.

["I want to but I can't."]


["Because I might really think that you're still mine."] He whispered but I didn't hear it.

"What was that Harry?"

["Okay, I'll come tomorrow after school."]

"Yey! Thank you Harry! I-" love you? Why did I stopped? Why do I feel that it's not right to say those words anymore? What is wrong with my mouth? "Miss you!"

["I miss you too. Take care, okay?"]

"Yea, you too." I said goodbye and hangs up.

I sighed and looked outside my house. I feel empty while sitting alone in this two seated table. Why do I have two chairs? Does Harry often visit me?

Yesterday, after Airon carried me on his back until we get to his house, yea in his house. He cooked our dinner then he told me about his family being busy and always away. He's like me, living alone. I came to school today and unexpectedly, I'm familiar with the books and texts because I can understand it with one read. My seatmate talked to me the whole time, saying I am really friends with Kenji and that he's always waiting for me outside when the class ended. And the most shocking and strange is ... they said I have a boyfriend in the volleyball club in that school! But I didn't believe them, if I had one, Kenji and Airon should've told me that. That's why I called Harry, I need to stop thinking about what they said.

"Oi. Are you okay?"

"AH!" I jumped off of the chair because of shock. He's standing in front of me! Who wouldn't be scared? I massage my chest and glared at him. "Don't scare me like that! Gosh! I nearly got a heart attack! How did you appear in front of me?"

"You're in deep thoughts you didn't notice that I'm calling you until I got here. Are you okay?" He explained.

"Y-Yea, sorry." I sighed and sat again. "I'm just thinking of something."

"What something?" He walked behind me and sat in the opposite chair. He put something on the table. "Here, I brought you snacks."

Oh my gosh! My heart is pounding crazy again, this guy, why does he have this effect on me? When I woke up, I didn't feel this way towards Harry. "W-Why?"

His brows furrowed, and it is look good on him. "So you can eat."

"I mean, why doing this? You said we're not friends."

"You promised me." He looked straight into my eyes. I was caught off guard so he saw that I was shock by his sudden seriousness. "You promised that you will never forget me."

My eyes widened and pain flashed through his eyes again but he quickly changed it by sighing and looking softly at me. "W-What.."

"It's not your fault, sorry." He said then he started getting the snacks out from the paper bag.

"Is that why you were mad at me?" I asked, I can't let his words go without asking. "What are we-"

"Hazel! / Airon!"

Voices coming outside my gate so we turned to their direction and saw Kenji and the two girls from yesterday. Who was them again? Why are they here? Are they all friends? I don't want to be around those girls but I don't want to be mean either.

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