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Airon and Harry arrived at the same time where Hazel asked them to go. They were shocked to see each other and started arguing.

"What the hell are you doin' here huh?" Harry said in a harsh way. He was excited to see his beloved ex-girlfriend again but saw her boyfriend instead.

"I'm the one who should be asking, germ. Why are you here?" Airon asked in a cold way. He was excited as well but scared at the same time. He knew it's not safe for Hazel and that Sean might catch them together. He still don't know that they're not really engaged.

"Haze asked for my help." Harry.

"Help for what?" Airon.

"Hahaha I was wondering why Haze called me instead of you." Harry.

"This is delicate for her, don't you know? What did she asked from you?" Airon.

Harry sense the seriousness of the guy in front of him so he told him. "Haze asked me to find Sophie since I had a connection with her."

"Do you know what is happening in her life right now?" Airon.

"Yes, she explained everything to me on the phone last night. Dude, I was shocked to hear all of that happened in just a short time. I had no idea she's going through this, I should've help her if she told me about this from the start." Harry.

"Obviously she forgot about you already." Airon plainly said.

"What did ya' say? Hahaha look who's talking, you're her ex boyfriend now too. She'll forget you anytime soon." Harry teases him.

Airon glared at him. But before he can reply, Hazel arrived running towards them. He pulled Hazel away from Harry and took her hand. He's worried that Sean might see them and do what he warned him. But he couldn't help it because he also missed the girl, his girl. He's holding her hand too tight while listening to her then they heard that it wasn't an accident. "What?!"

Hazel showed them the messages of the unknown number. "Here, I don't know if I can trust this-"

"Haze, of course not! You can't go alone to meet this stranger." Harry.

"I won't allow you to go babe. This is stupid." Airon.

"I know. That's why I called you two here, you're smart so I know you two can do this hehe. Don't worry, you'll be safe." Hazel.

Airon shakes his head and gave up. "I'm not scared for my self, I'm more afraid what will happen to you after this. But okay, I know what you want to do."

"Hahaha really, what is it?" Hazel.

"I don't know what it is but I'll do it." Harry.

"Well, I want you two to go at our meeting place before 7 pm and look who's the person behind this texts. Easy, right? Then we'll decide if I will go when we saw the culprit." Hazel.

"Sounds good. You're using your brain very well babe." Airon.

"Omi? Is that a compliment or an insult?" Hazel pouts.

But Airon couldn't help but to smile and pats her head. "Babe, if I saw someone there, I still won't let you go alone."

"Hahaha I like the thrill, don't worry Haze, I'll catch whoever that is and we'll get the answer you want." Harry.

Hazel slowly shakes her head and sighs. "Hays, I don't know if you're taking this seriously but, yea, as long as you could help me, I'll appreciate it. And you Omi, you can't let others saw your face."

"What? Why?" Airon.

"Because he's ugly? She's right, you're an eye sore. Hide it." Harry laughed at him.

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