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"How will we find them? And what are you going to do if you find them?"

We're here at the school ground, at the bench where we first made our friendship. We have foods and drinks in our hands while talking. "Uh, help me? Hehe help me think what to do Kenji please!"

He sighed at me. "Duh, of course."

"There's so many things running in my mind, many things I want to do to get back the life I have before. Kenji, I thought I can do everything alone, that I can get out of this situation by myself but-"

"Hep!" He hushed me. "Before you break down, I will stop you now." then he smiled at me, so handsome and cutie hehe. "If you want to do all that, start with being strong minded."


"Hazel, this is a serious matter that us, teenager can't do anything." He said and looked away. "But ... if this is not just because of money or your father's business, maybe we can do something."

My face lit up and see a hope in him then I hugged him. "Kenjiiiiiiii! Huhuhu please help meeee!"

"Hahaha of course! So, where should we start?"

I pulled away and grabbed his shoulder. "I want to find clues, about my sister with Marco. Then look for Sophie too to make her pay for what she did."

"Hmm, there's only one place you can find clues. You know where it is, right?"

"Yea, in their house. Once we get back there, I'll look for one." I said and let him go. "But, Sean. He's always with me. That creep, really annoying."

"Hahaha but he's handsome!" He laughs but I glared at him. "Joking hehe. Anyway, how about your other sister?"

"Maybe I should let Semi to handle that hehe I can't multi task." I can't do anything with determination alone. Maybe for now, one at a time.

"Wait, this sister of yours, is she older or younger than you?" he asked.

"I don't know-"

"I don't know if anyone noticed but your boss, Ms. Iris, isn't? I think you resembles each other."

"You're right! I noticed it too." we looked at each other.

"Are we thinking the same thing?" He said and I nodded. "What if-"

"I feel something on her, actually. And I don't know if it is connected but she knows my brother Semi."

"Oh my god! What if she's the one you're looking for?"

I covered my mouth because of shock. If that's the case, "But, we need a proof."

"That's why you're going to find it in your father's house."

"Okay. And maybe I can make her slip some words if I ask her indirectly, right?" he nodded. "But, keep this only with us two. I don't want Sean to find out or hear anything about my plan, he will report it to Marco."

"Hays, I felt bad for you and Airon. I can feel his jealousy." he sadly said.

I sighed. "Can't you feel my jealousy too? I heard from Chloe that they are getting close."

"I can't do anything about that, she's consistent and Airon is tired of pushing her away so he let her hang around him."

"I still trust him, I know he will wait for me. We're not giving up to each other." I said hopefully.

"Well, if you didn't hurry, maybe he will fall for he-"

"Kenji?!" I stopped him and he laughed at me. "Don't manifest it. Tss."

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