Chapter 1: The Move

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Dear Diary, Today sucks. My aunt Jenna is making us move back to her and my father's shity small town in Virgina, it's called Mystic Falls I think. Such a fantasy novel town name, it's probably its only redeeming quality. Jenna got a job at the high school there and since she's my legal guardian now and all, I've gotta go with. I told Katie and Hayden I would keep in touch though. I'll probably visit them back in New York next summer. Anyway I'm gonna get car sick if I keep this up. Talk to you later, after my five hour long drive.

"Lorelai, if you keep writing in that journal you're gonna end up car sick." Jenna says side eyeing me while she drives. She has her hair up in a messy bun, is wearing yoga pants and a sweatshirt. Almost identical to my outfit that I'm wearing, my hair in a messy bun, yoga pants, a tight long sleeve, and my glasses, since I packed away my contact solution. My parents always said my aunt Jenna and I looked like twins, with the red hair, same nose, we even had the same smile. Though I had the same amber, tired eyes as my mother. But I'm certainly seeing why my parents thought I was Jenna's doppelganger growing up.

"Well, it's a good thing I'm putting it away now." I close my diary and turn my body towards the back of the car and toss the journal on to a box that says kitchenware. "Look I'm sorry you had to leave all your friends, but you can go visit them after school is finished. I just- I couldn't afford the apartment anymore after losing my job and with all the funeral costs-"
" You could've dipped into the inheritance from my parents." I say annoyed at her still. "Absolutely not! That is your money and it's there for you when you go to college!" Jenna has refused to use any or ask for any of the money from my parents, which I would have gladly given if it meant I stayed back at home. "Now, Mystic Falls isn't the most interesting place to live but we get a free house. And a free house is enough for me to move anywhere."

Jenna has been trying to convince me for the past week that it won't be that bad moving to a different state when you thought you would never leave the town you grew up in. She also likes to remind me of the so-called "free house" that we're gonna be living in. It's not actually free. It's just my long dead grandparent's old house that was left to her, completely paid off before they died. I lean my head against the car window, and I try to fall asleep.

I wake up to see trees, trees, and surprise! More trees, with the orange sun setting behind them. Jenna's silently jamming out to a low volume Bad Romance by Lady Gaga. I ignore her and look out in front of us seeing the dreaded sign. Welcome to Mystic Falls.

After a few more minutes in the car, Jenna and I approach a much too large house for just two people. It's a pale yellow, colonial style with a huge wrap around porch that has fancy greek like pillars holding up the roof. The front door is a double door that's black with two fancy sconces on each side. I sit, looking at the home in awe. "How the hell am I gonna keep this place clean. " Jenna says to herself. "Ok, let's start unpacking the car." Jenna gets out of the vehicle and goes to the uhaul trailer we attached to the back of her car. I exit soon after admiring the home. "Give me the keys, I'll go open the door." I say holding my hand out to her as she opens the door of the uhaul. After she hands me the keys I walk up to the house, open the door and flick on the first light switch I see. Jenna said that one of the neighbors has been coming over every once in a while to make sure everything was still in working condition.

Right when you walk in, there's a staircase that's open to the second floor. I had no idea how much money my dads family had. In New York we lived in a small townhome that had two bedrooms and we all shared one bathroom. Ever since I was little I always thought someone was rich if they had a second floor landing that looked into the entryway. I head upstairs and start looking in some of the rooms, trying to find the best one. The master bedroom is all by itself on the left side of the house but right when you walk up the stairs there's a bathroom, to the right is a bedroom and another next to that, directly across from that one is a third room, with its own perfectly sized bathroom and small walk-in closet attached. It has a bay window that faces the house next to us and there is also a window that opens up to the flat roof of the wrap-around porch. I go back down and help Jenna unpack and put my stuff in that third bedroom. All of the rooms are mostly furnished still so thankful I have a bed, desk and a dresser to use.

By the time we finish emptying the trailer and car it's dark out. I'm laying on my bare mattress reading a book when Jenna yells, "Hey kid I'm gonna order some chinese food! What do you want?!" I hear her from the crazy large kitchen in the back of the house. I walk to the banister at the top of the stairs. "Can I take the car and drive around a bit?! I'll get food while I'm out!" I hear Jenna approaching the bottom of the stairs. "Yeah, you can find where the school is too so you know for tomorrow."
"K, I'll see you later." I run down the stairs and grab the keys from the table by the door. "Be home by eleven ok?" I head out the door saying yup.

I drive around and easily find the school from looking for it on google maps. It's a surprisingly small one story brick building. The school sign is red with a gray wolf, bearing its teeth in the middle of the text. I can kind of make out the words, home of the timberwolves. The fuck is a timberwolf? I drive my car into town and park near a restaurant called the mystic grill, it seems like a safe option seeing that there are a whole bunch of people in there. There's a bunch of little shops in a square with a clock tower to the left of the grill. All of this surrounds a little grass square.
I'm pretty sure I just walked into a party, wearing loungewear, no makeup, with my glasses and my hair a mess. Definitely not party attire. The inside of the Mystic grill feels like a pub. It's all warm woods and greens. There's pool tables on one side and a bar in the back. I sit at the bar thinking that's probably my best option if I actually want to order food with all these people around. After ordering chicken tenders and fries I look around and people watch till I see some guy talking… or yelling at a blonde girl? He storms away leaving her upset. I eat my dinner in peace, well as much as I can get with a party happening in the same room.

The man that was arguing with the blonde sits two seats next to me ordering a bourbon.He has dark brown hair, almost black, strong expression filled eyebrows, bright blue eyes, and a sharp jawline. I ask the bartender for my check. Then a different blonde walks up putting down two shots, I overhear her saying that it's a bribe. I give the bartender my card. I hear bits and pieces of their conversation getting the sense they aren't the biggest fans of one another. The bartender returns with my card and I get up to leave but not before I see a bunch of cops walk up to the man and woman seated by me. The blonde gets dragged away, seeming suddenly drunk. They take her out the door. After a minute of standing still trying to comprehend what's going on I leave and head home to take a shower and then straight to bed so I'm not dead for my first day at a new school tomorrow. But before I fall asleep I text my hometown friends to let them know I survived the trip.

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