Chapter 10: Broken Trust

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"Bonnie. Hey, what's going on? How's Caroline okay?" I rushed to bonnie. "It was a car accident." She says. "Tyler was driving, and he heard this noise and just went off the road. I thought Care was okay, but…" Matt tells the rest of the story. We all sit in chairs next to each other. "She'll be fine. She'll be fine." I say once to them and once to myself. Care and I haven't gotten that close yet but she's such a fun, bubbly person, she'll make it through. She has to. I hold Bonnie's hand and give a squeeze of reassurance. I take a deep breath. I get a text from Elena that says, Hey I'll be at the hospital soon. One of the tomb vampires tried to kill John.

Caroline's mom walks up to us with tears in her eyes, visibly trying not to cry. I see Matt start to cry again and Bonnie and I wait patiently for her to say something. "They don't know if she'll make it." Sheriff Forbes pushes out. Bonnie stands up and walks her away trying to console her. I move over to hold Matt while he cries into my shoulder. I shush him and tell him we just need to be positive. I get up to get us coffees once he relaxes. Shit. Damon. I see him walking towards me. I avoid eye contact in hopes he just keeps on walking. Unfortunately, he doesn't he grabs my arm, turning as both around to face the opposite way we were going. "Damon, It's great that you're here for Caroline, but I don't really wanna hash things out right now." I say. Damon's phone rings. "Hello?" He answers while still looking at me. Whatever is said on the other end shocks him. "We'll be there in a minute." Damon says and hangs up the phone. "We gotta go." He tells me. "Get Elena and meet me in the car." Damon starts walking towards the exit. Once we all get in the car he drives us to Elena's. Alaric is already there with the door open. "What's going on?" Elena asks him. "Katherine." Stefan says as we enter the house.

Stefan, Damon, and I gather in the kitchen as Alaric cleans up the mess Kathereine made and  Elena goes to check on Jeremy. "Did she say what she wanted?" I ask sitting at the dinner table. "No." Stefan says. "Woman certainly knows how to make an entrance." Damon says standing by the kitchen island. "I told Jeremy." Elena enters the room. "I can't lie to him anymore." She continues. "Are you alright?" Stefan asks, walking to her. "No, I'm not alright. I thought that with all the tomb vampires gone things would get better." She says. I raise my pointer finger and raise my eyebrows to her, implying I thought the same. "I know we all did." Stefan agrees. "Kathereine was in this house. That means that she's been invited in. What are we gonna do?" Elena says. "Move." Damon suggests. "Very helpful. Thank you." Elena replies sarcastically. "Katherine wants you dead. There's zero you can do about it, you would be dead, but you're not. So clearly she has other plans." Damon lays out for us.

"Right, and we need to find out what those other plans are. And not provoke her in the process." Stefan tries to reason. "John must know something. There has to be a reason why Katherine tried to kill him." I say, stand up and walk to the fridge. "She's Katherine. She loves to play games, and you're fooling yourselves if you think you're gonna find out what she's up to before she wants you to know." Damon says. "No, actually Lorelai's right. John coils know something through Isobel." Stefan backs me up. I extend my hand to gesture to him. See Damon, I ain't no idiot. "Isobel, she was in touch with Katherine so maybe we can go to the hospital and get him to talk." Stefan continues. "I've got a better idea." Damon interrupts. "What's that?" Elena asks half heartedly. "I'm just gonna ignore the bitch. See ya." Damon starts to leave. "Is that smart?" I stop him. "If Katherine thinks she's being ignored... It'll lure her out, she'll make a move." Damon says proudly. "Yeah? Then what?" Stefan asks. "Stake her, rip her head off. Something poetic. We'll see." Damon says and leaves.

I lean on the fridge and exhale a deep breath. "I asked Damon to give Caroline his blood." Elena admits. "You did what?" I ask. "She wasn't gonna make it, Lori." I lay off. "I gotta get home, let me know if there's any updates on Care." I say heading out. I get out the door and realize that I left my car at the hospital. I walk back in and yell for Stefan and ask if he can drive me to the hospital so I can get my car.

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