Chapter 8: Elisibeth

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"Okay. This week we're gonna set aside our regular curriculum for a lesson in local history as we approach Founder's Day. Apparently, the, uh, community leaders feel that's more important than World War II, but, hey, what do I know?" Jenna says starting our history class for the day. "Ah, sorry I'm late." Bonnie says walking in the room. "Well, looks like we'll be at full occupancy today. Welcome home, Bonnie. Right. Founder's Day. What does it mean to have a Founder's Day?" Bonnie takes her usual seat and smiles at Elena and I, ignoring Stefan.

After school I run into Caroline. "Lori! Hey, did you see the Miss Mystic Court email?" She asks as we walk outside. "Oh yeah. I'm assuming It's like prom attire right?" I wanna make sure I at least look hot if I'm gonna do this ya know? "Oh yeah. OMG, we should all go out and get our dresses!" Caroline says so excited. "That would be-"
"-Is that Bonnie?" Care interrupts. "Bonnie! Bonnie! Thank god you're home." Caroline gives Bonnie a big hug and almost knocks her over. "I know we talked every day but I missed you. How are you doing?" I notice Elena looks at Bonnie confused. Maybe it's because they talked every day? I feel like that's a normal friend thing to do though? Though I'm not like that with Bonnie, but I haven't known her as long so...

Caroline tells her about needing help for Miss Mystic. "Oh, my God, we signed up for that thing so long ago. I keep forgetting about it." Elena says. "Yeah, Oh, so are, are you dropping out, then?" Caroline asks, a little too excited. "I can't." Elena tells her. "No?" Care asks. "Her mom is the one who wanted her to enter." Bonnie tells Caroline. "So, dress shopping?" I try to lighten the mood. We start walking to our cars when Care asks, "Who's gonna be your escort, Lori?" Shit. "Oh, I didn't know I needed one. I don't really know any guys other than your boyfriends." I say "Hey if you can't find anyone I'm sure Jeremy wouldn't mind." Elena let me know. "Thanks. I'll try and find someone. I don't want your brother to hate me." I chuckle.

The rest of the week consisted of Miss Mystic interviews, dress shopping, learning the dance we're all doing at the ball and still not finding a damn escort. I'm sitting in bed looking at my phone, opened to my text messages. Without thinking about it too much, I send a text. I really don't wanna go with him but I don't know if I trust Jeremy to learn the dance and everything plus it would be weird to me. My phone rings. "Hello?" I answer. "You must be joking." he says. "Trust me, you were my only option. I would rather go with anyone else." I explained to him. "Besides, I figured you knew the dance already since you were there when it happened." I hear him groan on the other end. "Fine. But next time I need a favor you owe me." I was honestly shocked that he agreed. He hangs up and I head to bed questioning why that was so easy.

The next morning I walk down stairs to answer the knock at the door. "Hey, I heard you're driving." I say to Alaric as I open the door. "Hi, yeah, I am. Let me get that for you." He grabs my dress from my hands. "Thanks." I walk into the house while we wait for Jenna. "Yeah." Alaric says. "How uh. How's Stefan?" I turn to him confused. "What do you mean?" I ask. "You know, he seems on edge." Alaric tells me. "I heard he went through a lot. He was in bad shape for a while but he's bouncing back now. Why don't you ask Elena?" Before he can answer we're interrupted by Jenna. "Are we ready?" We make our way to the car, where I see Elena sitting in the back waiting for us. "Lori, sweetie. You never told me who your escort is?" Jenna asks me. "Oh yeah you never told me either." Elena says. I'm about to lie through my teeth. "It's just a random guy from school." I am so dead.

Jenna is helping me get ready for the pageant. I stare into the mirror while she does my hair. "Do you think my mom would've wanted me to do this?" I ask. "Definitely. She was there when I participated. She always said she would've loved an excuse to dress up all fancy like." She gives me a sweet smile. "I didn't know you did this?!" I say. "Probably because it was a shit show for me." Jenna puts the curling iron down and grabs my shoulders. "So... are you gonna tell me who the lucky guy is?" She gives me a big smile hoping I would tell her. "You'll just have to wait and see." I tell her.

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