Chapter 14: A Witchy Moment

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I got a text from Damon to come over. I text him back,

"I'm helping set up the masquerade ball, can't." -

- "Stop by before. Wolf boy info."

"How do you know I'm not already there?" -

I in fact was not there yet but told Jenna I would be there any minute.
"Fine." I text again after no response.

I walk into the boarding house to see Damon already holding his usual drink, and Alaric and... Jeremy? Why the hell is Jeremy here? "Hello, Lorelai." Damon drags out. "Hey, guys. What's going on?" I ask. "Uh, this is Isobel's research from Duke. Her assistant sent it to me." Alaric tells us what the box on the chair is. "Mmm. Vanessa, the hottie." Damon says, grabbing a file. I roll my eyes. "Yeah, Vanessa, yes, now, do you remember the old Aztec curse she told us about?" Alaric gets back on track. "The sun and the moon, blah, blah, blah-" Damon says. "The Aztec curse, cool." Jeremy chimes in. "Yeah supposedly vampires and werewolves used to roam freely until a shaman put a curse on them to limit their power. And since then, uh werewolves can only turn on a full moon. And vampires are weakened by the sun." Alaric tells Jeremy.

Damon flaunts his daylight ring. "Most of them anyway." He says, walking to the fireplace. "According to the legend, the werewolf part of the curse it's sealed with the moonstone." Alaric shows Jeremy a parchment with Aztec drawings on it. "What do you mean sealed?" He asks. "It's a witch thing." I saw nonchalauntly, looking at the parchment Jer is holding. "Whatever seals the curse is usually the key to unsealing the curse." Damon tells us. "Maybe Mason Lockwood believes he can use the moonstone to break the curse." I look at Alaric as he says this. Then switch focus to Damon. "If we start believing in some supernatural witchy-woo legend from a picture book, we're idiots." Damon states. "Who has the stone?" I ask the room. "Tyler." Jeremy says. "Can you get it?" Damon asks. "Yeah."
"See, now your life has purpose." Damon jokes. "So you do believe it?" Jeremy asks him. "It's the same book that says a werewolf bite kills a vampire. Ignoring it would make me an even bigger idiot. Let's go." Damon says walking back over to the group and taking a sip of his drink.

He sends me eyes and throws his arm around my shoulder. I shrug him off while rolling my eyes. Alaric stays behind and the rest of us head out to... so say, help set up the masquerade ball. Damon and I walk in with Jeremy following behind. I go to the backyard, leaving the two boys and I spot Stefan talking to Bonnie. "Hey, Bon." I say to her, giving her a smile. She smiles back, but I can tell it's forced. Looking between her and Stefan I say, "Everything okay?" I ask as Damon enters behind me. Standing extremely close. "Stefan." I crane my neck to look up at him. He nods his head towards a secluded area. Damon grabs my bicep and brings along with him. I wave to Bonnie, who just watches as we walk away.

I stand with my arms crossed watching the two Salvatores pace back and forth. Stefan blurts out that Katherine is sleeping with Mason. "Katherine's with Mason Lockwood?" Damon says disgusted. "We missed it. He got into town right after she did. It makes perfect sense." Stefan says. "I know, but Mason Lockwood?" Damon says again. "Werewolf thing aside, the guy's a surfer. She's gotta be usin' him. She has to be." Damon continues. They stop pacing. "Using him for what?" Stefan asks bewildered.

It's my turn to add to the conversation. "Mason Lockwood's looking for a moonstone that allegedly can break the full moon werewolf curse. Maybe Katherine wants it?" I tell him. "Why?" Stefan asks. "Well, uh, no idea." I stumbled out. "It's the beauty of Katherine. She's always up to something." Damon says. "So how are we gonna find this moonstone?" Stef asks. "Jeremy's getting it from Tyler." Damon tells him. "Why would you involve Jeremy?" Stefan asks then backhands his shoulder and walks away. "He's playing Indiana Jones. He involved himself." Damon defends himself. Stefan just shoos him and keeps walking. Damon looks at me. "Hey, don't look at me." I say raising my hands in defense. I leave him to find Bonnie. Per his request. "Hey, Bon. We need your help." I tell her hoping she'll help us. "Who's we?" She asks, concerned. Before I can get a word out I see Stefan and Damon walking towards us. "Hey, Bon-Bon." Damon says. Bonnie looks at him then me. "Please." I plead.

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