Chapter 6: Baby Blue Camero

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Dear Diary, at this very moment I am sitting and the mystic grill waiting for Jenna to be done gawking over Alaric, Elena's uncle. She made me come to this  bachelor raffle event as a punishment for leaving the house and not asking the other night. It's for this founders day thing, these weird small towns and their weird traditions. Besides me being miserable I've been a little creeped out recently with seeing what I assume are ghosts in the mirror? And having weird ass dreams with them in it too. I don't wanna talk about it too much because if I do then it becomes real and then I end up in a psych ward, which personally is not on my bucket list atm. Elena's here, TTYL

The mayor's wife is asking Damon some questions about himself and he starts making weird comments about Isobel, who is Alaric's ex-wife. Jenna, Elena, and I are sitting at a table together listening to him say how delicious Isobel was… ok, weird. I see Stefan walk in when my aunt Jenna asks if Elena is ok and that's when I see how visibly uncomfortable she is. "I just need some air." Elena chokes out, and walks away. I look at Stefan before he follows her outside. "What was that about?" Jenna whispers to me. "I-I don't know. Maybe she was close with her?"

Carol Lockwood starts announcing the winners and I see Damon walk towards the bathrooms. I excuse myself from the table and follow him. Once I catch up he's talking to Elena. "Buy a ticket like everyone else." Elena, not pleased with him, interrupts "Did you enjoy that? Rubbing it into Alaric Saltzman?" I stand closely behind, just utterly confused. "What?" Damon asks, seeming just as confused as me. "Just as I was starting to think that there was something redeemable about you." Now it's my turn to speak. "What is going on?"
"Elena." Stefan appears behind, trying to warn her. "Am I missing something here?" Damon asks. "Did I forget to mention earlier when we were talking about my birth mother, the one that gave me up." Damon hums in response. "Her name was Isobel." Both Damon and I are too stunned to speak. That means that Alaric's ex had a child before he came along and that child just so happened to be adopted by his sister and her husband. "Go ahead, reminisce about how you killed her." Elena walks off with Stefan, while Damon and I stay behind and process what was just said. I look at him. "You killed her mother?" His eyes dart to me. "No I didn't kill her per-say..." He says beating around the bush. "Oh, my god, you turned her?!" I ask flabbergasted. He walks away towards the exit. "Damon!"

The next day Elena Stefan and I are standing at her locker talking about, you guessed it, Damon. "Damon hasn't said a word to me everytime I try to talk to him he shuts me down." Stefan tells us. "Do you think he's still trying to find Katherine?" I ask. "I don't know. He waited a hundred and forty five years, only to find out Katherine could not care less. That's gotta hurt right?" Stefan says. "And it couldn't have happened to a nicer guy." Elena adds. "You have every reason to be upset with him." Elena agrees with Stefan. "Have you thought anymore more about what you wanna do?" Stefan asks Elena. "About what? Isobel, my vampire birth mother, whose related to my vampire ancestor Katherine, who screwed over your vampire brother. Nah, haven't thought about it at all." Elena say sarcastically. "I'm sorry I brought it up." Stefan says with a smirk on his face. "It would be nice if you could get through one day without having to deal with any of it, no vampire mother, or brother." I say to them. "No vampires at all?" Stefan asks me. "No vampires but you." I tell him. "We all just need to get back to normal stuff like... school, and homework." Elena says. I fake gasp and say, "And here's a thought, fun." Stefan leans into it and gasps as well. "Oh, that sounds good to me, when do we start?"
"I gotta go see you guys later." I walk to my next class for the day leaving them behind.
Elena texted me and said her, Stefan, Caroline and Matt were going out on a double date. To which I said that was a terrible idea given her and Matt's history. She said she would give me a rundown after. After she called to update me on how it did in fact go as poorly as I thought it would, I headed to bed.

I wake up to my phone ringing. "Hello?" I answer seeing that it's Elena. "Hey, Something happened. I'll pick you up in ten minutes, if that's ok?" How the hell am I gonna get ready in ten minutes? "Uh yeah, see you in ten." I hang up and start rushing to get ready. Somehow I get dressed, brush my teeth and grab a cereal bar in the span of ten minutes. I get a text from her telling me she's out front. "Jenna, I'm going out with Eleana!" I yell for her to hear in her office. "Ok, be home by curfew!" I walk out the door and get in Elena's car where she tells me that all of the vampires that were supposed to be sealed in the tomb are out and roaming about. Oh and a tomb vampire attacked the Salvatores last night.

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