Chapter 15: FOMO

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Dear diary, last night I found out that without a doubt in my mind, that I'm a witch. The only problem is I'm pretty sure I have to channel something to be able to cast spells. Oh also Caroline's mom is compelled and back to her regular self. I literally sound insane right now. Honestly, I hope that people read this and think everything I'm saying is a lie like the Jonathan Gilbert journals. I don't think I'm gonna tell Jenna because

My phone dings. "Hey, we're planning something. Come over ASAP." Stefan's text reads. I close my diary and get changed to head over to his house. When I get there Stefan opens the door. I walk in and see Jeremy, Damon, and Bonnie all doing something. "Hey." I say looking around. "Hey, thanks for coming." Stefan replies. "Yeah, of course. So what's the big plan."
"We're gonna kill Katherine." Caroline says walking past me into the parlor. "I can explain." Stefan says. "Okay..." I urge him on. "We're gonna kill Katherine." Stefan just repeats, then walks over to Damon, Caroline and Jeremy. "Now this works with compressed air. Or at least that's what Alaric told me." Damon explains to Jeremy and Stefan.

Damon is showing off a bunch of weapons that can kill vampires. Bonnie's off to the side reading her grimoire. Bonnie walks up to Stefan and pulls him away. I walk over to the weapon show happening. "And this one... is for you." He hands me a crossbow. "Ha. Very funny, Damon." I tell him holding the weapon. "Well you're little arms can't drive a stake through her heart so, crossbow it is." He explains. "I'll have you know I can do those silly little marine push ups." I raise my brows at him. "Crossbow. You get too close, it's a risk to your safety." He quickly turns serious. "Fine." I say after seeing everyone staring between the two of us.

Stefan comes back and goes over the plan with us, while we all stand around him. "And Alaric is gonna make sure Elena stays at home. Alright, if anyone wants to back out... I'll understand." Stefan says. "Yeah, cold feet speak now I don't want this going wrong because someone chickens out. Caroline?" Damon announces. "I won't. Look, she killed me. Fair's fair. And as long as there are no werewolves running around." Caroline confidently speaks. "Oh, I took care of Mason." Damon says. "And as long as Tyler doesn't kill anyone he won't turn." Jeremy chimes in. "Bonnie? You with us?" Stefan asks. Bonnie takes a minute but answers, "But no one gets hurt."
- "Except Katherine. Tonight, Katherine, gets a stake through her heart." Damon confirms.
We all leave to get ready at our respective homes. Jenna told me she's gonna keep Alaric company tonight instead of going. I put on my sexy strapless little black dress. I go all out with my make up, smokey eye, red lip, and my mask. I slide on my flip-flops and grab my heels, and head out the door.

I walk around the party observing to see if anything is out of the ordinary. I spot Damon from across the room. He sends me a flirty wave accompanied by a smirk. I walk to him, "Nice suit." I comment. "Nice legs." he says looking down at them. "You wanna dance?" He asks. "Thought we were supposed to be on our A game." I raise my eyebrows at him. "We are, doesn't mean we can't have some fun." I raise my hand to him. He takes me out to the dance floor. "You look hot by the way." He smirks."Nice try. Not doing that tonight." I laugh at him. "I saw Katherine talking to some woman." I tell him. "It's probably nothing." He brushes off. We share a quick dance when he gets a text from Stefan.

A little while later I see Caroline walk downstairs, a smirk on her face. "You did it?" I ask her. "Yup." She says proudly. Jeremy runs past us. Caroline and I look at each other confused. "God damn it." I grumble out. "My job is done." Caroline says, putting her hands up and walks away. "Care!" I exclaim. Jeremy comes back down stairs and I follow him back outside. "What happened?" I ask. "There's another witch." He says frantically. We get to Bonnie and Elena. What the hell is she doing here. "Are you okay?" Jeremy asks her. Elena seems to be in pain, her hand is bleeding and theres a spot on her arm as well. "Are they?" Elena asks Jer. Bonnie is doing some sort of spell for Elena. "They're stuck in there with her." Jeremy tells Elena. "You were right. Katherine had a witch link Elena to her." Jermey tells Bonnie. "That girl I saw. The one inside." Bonnie realizes. "Stay with her. Keep pressure on her shoulder." Bonnie gets up. "Where are you going?" Jeremy asks. "There's another witch here. I'm gonna find her" Bonnie walks back to the house. I follow after her to help. "Hey, Bon. I know who it is. Let me help." I tell her frantically. "Yeah, sure." she says half paying attention. I see her look ahead.

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