Chapter 17: Surprise!

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Dear diary, holy hell. That Rose chick that Damon actually became friends with got bit by that bitchy werewolf that came to town looking for Mason. Damon sent me a text last night warning me not to come to the school event that was happening, because she was on a murderous rampage. So I stayed in bed waiting by the phone, reading up on Bonnie's grimoires. I got a text later telling me Rose died last night. I know Damon enjoyed having her around, I hope he isn't taking it too bad. I texted him this morning, I wasn't sure what to say. So I told him that I would be there if he needed me. To which he didn't answer. I can't say I expected one anyway. Elena warned me that John came back to town as well last night. Oh right, my birthday is the weekend. I'll be eighteen. Bonnie and I went out for lunch today. Afterwards we walked around the center of town a bit.

"Hello, Lorelai. Bonnie." A man I've never seen before says from in between Bonnie and I. "And I know you how?" I ask rudely. "Dr. Martin. I'm a friend of Elijah's." He explains. "I don't have anything to say to you, Dr. Martin. Or your son." Bonnie says. She blatantly is not a fan of his. "You must be feeling very confused about us." Dr. Martin says to Bonnie. "There's nothing confusing about it. I trusted Luka and he betrayed me. Elena already told me you're working for Elijah." Bonnie tells him. How did I not know about this man and his son, like at all? "That doesn't mean we're not also looking out for the two of you." Martin says, as Bonnie stops in her tracks. "Spare me the witch loyalty crap." She spits. "You might not wanna believe this but Elijah is a man of his word. You can trust that he'll keep his end of the deal with Elena to keep you and your friends protected." Martin tries to win over Bonnie. "You're right, I don't believe it." Bonnie stands her ground. I guess Jeremy was walking gourd town at the same time as us because he approaches and says, "Is there a problem here?" I look at Bonnie to answer this one. "Not at all. Come on, Lori." Bonnie calls me. "I think I'm gonna head home. I'll talk to you guys later." I tell her and Jer. Bonnie and Jeremy give me a skeptical look before nodding and turning away. I pretend to walk to my car and turn to see Jeremy wrap his arm around Bonnie, bringing her in close.

Hmm... interesting.

I wait till I can't quite see them anymore and walk up to Dr. Martin. "Your Elijah's witch?" I ask to clarify. "My son and I, yes. I heard you're Hawthorne?" He asks. "I might be... why?" I beat around the bush. "I have a library of grimoires and some of them have the Hawthorne name on them. If you are who Elijah says you are, I would love to give them back to their rightful owner." He explains. "Well, I'm a Hawthorne so..." I draw out. "My son and I can meet you at the grill for lunch tomorrow if you want them." He tells me. "And why should I trust that it isn't a trap, considering my friend thinks that's something you're capable of." I question him. "Elijah said you're smart, do I seem like I'm trying to trick you? We'll be there tomorrow around noon. If you aren't there I understand." He tells me and walks away.

Elena sent me a text that she was at the grill. When I enter I see a large memorial in the center. It's for the people who died due to Rose's psychosis I think. Fucking, John Gilbert is lighting a candle when I walk up to it. "Hello, Lorelai. How's it going?" He asks me. "Oh, it's going just lovely John." I say sarcastically. "I thought you weren't ever coming back?" I ask confused. "Stefan called. Said it was important." I don't say anything to this.

I see Damon strutting towards us. "So, John, rumor has it you know a lot and won't say anything." He says. "How do I know you can be trusted, Damon? Originals can compel vampires, and according to Stefan that's why Katherine's still in the tomb. Cause an original has compelled her to stay there." John says. Since when could originals compel other vampires? News to me! Damon lights a match, "Only because all of the vervain had left her system. Stefan and I, on the other hand, are chock-full." He lights a candle, and blows the match out in his face. "You guys are drinking vervain?" John asks, concerned. I don't feel like being a part of this conversation anymore and look for Elena. "Lori." I can hear Jenna's voice calling me.

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