Chapter 2: First Day

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I'm anxious, extremely anxious. I woke up around six today so I would have enough time to get ready and catch the bus. I put on a long sleeve shirt, and a pair of jeans with my favorite converse. I made myself a bagel with cream cheese, and a coffee.

I've been sitting outside, tapping my foot, coming up with humiliating first day scenarios in my head for the past thirty minutes. Finally I hear the bus approaching. When I get off the bus I see the blonde I saw yesterday that was being yelled at, talking with a tall brunette.

I go straight to the office so I can get my schedule for the year. My first class, of course, is history with aunt Jenna, or Miss Hawthorne I guess.
"Hello everyone, my name is Jenna Hawthore, or Miss, Hawthorne. I'm your new history teacher." I hear Jenna's cheery voice as I approach the classroom after being lost for almost ten minutes. "So today we-" She stops and looks at me as I walk in. "Oh, Lorelai, I didn't know I had you. Everyone, this is Lorelai, she's also new here." I do the awkward white person smile and wave to the class as Jenna continues to speak. I go and find a seat next to the brunette that I saw earlier. She gives me a small smile and leans over to tell me that her name is Elena and that the girl sitting next to her is Bonnie. Elena has long straight brown hair and dark brown eyes. She also has this jean jacket that I love. Bonnie has dark brown curly hair and gorgeous dark hazel eyes.

When lunch time rolls around I go eat with my aunt. "Any problem students yet?" I ask her. "Not that I've seen, but the last teacher left a list of people."
"Hey, Miss.Hawthorne I'm Jeremy Gilbert you wanted to see me." I jump a bit in my seat, having not seen him standing at the door. Jenna waves him in. "You want me to leave?" I ask, mid sandwich bite. She shakes her as if I'm being ridiculous. The boy sits on a desk in front of Jenna's. "You know that your old teacher had a jackass file? No joke. Typed on a label. It has all the troublemakers in it. But really, It's just an opus to you." Jenna stands up and walks over to the trash, holding the file in her hand. "Don't worry about it." She throws the file into the trash. "I'm not him. Clean slate. Now let's talk about grades." The boy looks back and forth between Jenna and I. "Is she allowed to be here?"
"Yeah I feel like I definitely shouldn't be here." I say directing my attention to Jenna. "Okay, yeah. You should probably head out." Giving her a nod I grab my things and start to head out, but not before she grabs my wrist. "I'm probably going to be home late, getting this room put together and all, so you're on your own for dinner."
"Cool ring" Jeremy adds, looking at Jenna's god awful piece of jewelry. "Thanks, it's a family heirloom."
"Yeah and an ugly one at that." I say disgusted. "Thank you Lori. Now run along." Jenna says sarcastically.

The rest of the school day goes pretty well. I decided I was gonna walk home today seeing as I don't live that far and it was nice out. When I walk out of the building I see the girl from history class, Elena with this guy. He has beautiful brown hair that sticks up a bit, bushy eyebrows, bluey green eyes, and a distinct nose. They seemed to be in an intense conversation. Not even ten steps away I see Bonnie next to what I am assuming is her car, talking to the man who was arguing with the blonde from last night. She looks uncomfortable, so I decide to wait till he leaves to ask if she's ok. Bonnie gets in her car as the guy holds open the door for her. After he heads out I walk over to lean down and knock on the car window, scaring her a bit. She rolls down the widow for me to speak to her. "Hey, sorry for scaring you, I'm Lori, we have history together." She gives me a smile. "No it's fine, and yeah I remember you." It goes silent for a second. "Uh, anyway, I just wanted to make sure you were ok, I saw you talking to that guy and you seemed uncomfortable. Sorry if I'm overstepping." I rushed out. Bonnie relaxes a bit. "Thanks for worrying about me, but I'm fine." I see Elena approaching from the corner of my eye. "Hey. Lorelai, right?" I nod. "Do you need a ride? I'm sure Bonnie wouldn't mind. Right Bon?" Elena goes over to the passenger side and gets in. I look back down at Bonnie. "You really don't have to, I was just gonna walk home." Bonnie looks over to Elena then back to me. "Hop in." I take her up on the offer seeing as I should probably try and make friends here since I am stuck living here for the foreseeable future.

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