Chapter 16: Siphon

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Bonnie, Jeremy, Stefan, Damon, and I are all standing in the Salvatore's library. "I might be able to lower the tomb spell long enough for you to get in there and grab the moonstone from Katherine." Bonnie explains to everyone. "How? It took both you and your grams last time. And look what happened to her." Jeremy counters. "I'm well aware of what happened. I've learned a few new things." Bonnie tells him. "Bonnie." Jer says. "I'll be helping too. New found powers and all." I let him know. "How will you get it?" Bonnie asks teh brothers. "She hasn't been feeding. She's weaker. We're not." Stefan lays out for her. "You wouldn't be underestimating her, would you?" I ask. "It's a plan. Is it perfect? What plan is?" Damon answers. "Let me do it." Jeremy stupidly suggests. "I've got my ring. I could get in, get out. No spells necessary." He continues. "Gee, thanks, you sixteen-year-old child. Why didn't we think of that?" Damon jokes.

"Why are you even here?" He asks the boy. "Maybe I can help better the plan. Do you have anything that belongs to Katherine?" Bonnie says. Stefan leaves to go grab something of hers and comes back with what appears to be  a picture. "This belonged to Katherine. Found it with her things after I thought she was dead, but it was hers." He shows Bonnie and I an old tin picture of Katherine. Bonnie grabs it and places it in a bowl. She takes some water out of a cup Damon got for her, and drips it on the picture. The picture catches on fire Bonnie starts chanting. "And what will this do?" Damon asks. "She can turn the metal into ash, blow the ashes on her and it should incapacitate her for a minute or two. Long enough for you to get the stone and get out." I tell Damon. I borrowed some of Bonnie's grimoires to read over some spells. I can't really do magic unless I'm channeling something but It's helpful to know. "So we gotta get the torches." Stefan announces. While they gather some essentials for the new task at hand. "Alaric's stake gun's in my trunk. Bonnie?" Damon says as Bonnie gathers the ashes with Jeremy. "Go ahead. I'm almost done." She lets him know. I follow the guys out, leaving Jer and Bonnie alone. There's some vibes going on between those two.

After grabbing the torches the three of us take off to the tomb. When we get there I try and grab a bag, but Damon stops me. "I'm here to help Damon." I remind him. He stands close to me and looks at me through his brow. "With the witchy-woo of it all. I got the heavy stuff." He says and walks away leaving me and Stefan behind. Stefan gives me a questioning look. I just ignore him and follow loosely behind Damon. "You and Damon are pretty close." Stefan comments, walking next to me. "Oh, yeah. We're friends I guess." This is so awkward I know Damon can hear us right now. Stefan just shakes his head and we keep walking.

"Sorry I'm late. I had to grab the Grimoire from home." Bonnie tells us, walking out of the woods. We've only been sitting around for probably ten minutes. "Jeremy couldn't take the pressure, huh?" Damon asks, not seeing him with her. "He said he'd be here." Bonnie sounds a little disappointed. We start our trek down the stairs to the tomb. Damon's phone rings. "Noy a good time Rose." He answers. I wait to see what she says as Stefan and Bonnie continue down the stairs. "Why, what'd you do?" Damon says to her. "Tell me." I look at him and shake my head questioning what she wants. "I'll be there." He says annoyed. "Let's go." Damon says to me. I let out a huff of air. And follow him back to his car.

"Elena, went to Rose for help, but it turns out she was just going to sacrifice herself to Klaus?" I ask him while we drive to Richmond. "Yup." He pops the "p". "Bitch. Sorry. But seriously, all of us are try to help her figure out a way to live through this, and she just turns around and says a big "fuck you" to us all?!" I spill out. "Seriously. Stupid move." I finished.

Damon tells me to wait in the car in case there's issues. Do I listen? No. I wait for him to leave and I follow after him. I find the place pretty easily. I can hear bickering coming from inside. I knock on the door like an idiot. "Damon?" I whisper yell. The door swings open. "I thought I told you to wait in the car." Damon angrily says to me. "I was bored." I shrug my shoulders and walk in. Damon locks the door behind me. "As I was saying. Alice is sound asleep so let's go." Damon says to a cranky looking Elena who's slumped on the couch next to Rose. The door busts open. A man comes walking in, two close behind.

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