Chapter 13: Puppy Wearing A Tutu

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I'm sat at one of the tables at the Grill doing some school work, when Damon pops up sitting in the chair next to me. He scared the shit out of me. I gasp and say, "What do you want?" I ask. "So this is where you spend your time when you're not following Elena around." Damon says, looking around. "If you came to just annoy me, I really don't have the time for this." I start putting stuff away. "Where are you goin'?" He asks. "Like I said, no time." I stand up to leave. "Okay. see you at Jenna's barbeque." Damon says, and takes a bite of my leftover food. "How did you know about Jenna's barbeque?" I stop to ask. "It was my idea. Jenna went to high school with Mason Lockwood. So I figured a social gathering would be a good way to get to know the guy. So, I told Ric to tell Jenna and-"
"Does Jenna know that you're going to be there? Because she's not exactly a fan of yours." A waitress walks up to the table with a box. "Perfect, thank you." Damon tells her, as she walks away. "I'm hoping this peach cobbler will pave the way." He tells me. "What are you up to?" I ask suspiciously. He stands up next to me. "I'm gonna put some silver into Mason Lockwood and prove that he's a werewolf. See you at the barbeque." Damon leaves.

Jenna and I are chatting and fixing up the food in the kitchen for the barbeque tonight. "Thanks for letting me invite Caroline. She could use a bit of a distraction." I tell her as I pour chips into a bowl. "Well she's not the plus one I'm worried about." Jenna leans on the counter next to me. "Why is Damon coming?" She questions. "Because Alaric is a pity-taker." I tell her. She doens't seem too convinced. "Come on, Jenna. Be nice." Jenna scoffs. "I'll be nice when Damon learns to keep his paws off you." I just look away. "Ah-a, good news. Found the shot glasses." Mason Lockwood says walking into the room with alcohol and shot glasses." I take some chips. "That would be my exit." I leave the kitchen.

"You're here ten minutes and already I'm back under the bleachers at the pep rally." Jenna tells Mason. I go upstairs to wait for Caroline and Elena. Elena is supposed to come over with Ric at some point. I get a text from Elena that she's here with Care. I tell her to come upstairs to my room and we all sit on the flat roof outside my window and gossip. Caroline brought up a bowl of chips and hasn't stopped munching on them. Elena calls Stefan because she hasn't heard from him today apparently. It goes to voicemail. "I'm sure he's fine." Caroline says. Elena relaxes a bit. "God, I can not stop eating." Caroline says shoving chips in her mouth.

"Stefan says it's a great way to sublimate the cravings. Well, it's horrible, just... fighting the urge for blood every minute of every day." Caroline explains. "I know that Stefan really hates that part of himself." Elena tells Care. I reach over and steal some of her chips. "Well, yeah. And he hates that you're a constant temptation." I look between Elena and Caroline, to see who's gonna speak first. "He said that?" Elena asks. "Mm. The desire to rip out your jugular every time he's with you. Trust me, it's there. You know it's why I had to break up with Matt" Caroline says all doom and gloom. I hear a knock on my door frame so I peak my head in. "Hey, the food's ready. Come get it." Alaric tells me and walks back downstairs. "The food's ready." I tell the girls. "Finally. I'm starving." Caroline says. We all crawl back into the house and walk to the kitchen to eat.

Somehow the evening turns into us playing giant pictionary. I'm in the kitchen getting the desert ready and can hear and see all the commotion from where I'm standing.

It's Damon's turn and he's got a dog with a tutu on and music note surrounding it. "Dress! Ballerina!" Jenna calls out. "Puppy! Puppy! Puppy with a tutu." Care guesses. "No." Damon stresses. "Okay, dog. Hound-hound-dog."Jenna says. Damon points at her. "You ain't nothing but a hound dog!" She spurts out. "Dances With Wolves." Mason states, simply. Everyone turns to him in disbelief. "Mason wins... again." Damon says. "How is that a wolf?" Jenna says. I hear them all talking as Damon enters the kitchen. "Aunt Jenna's getting tipsy." He tells me and walks around the island to stand right next to me. "Will you stop plying her with alcohol?" I ask him as I take the cobbler he brought out of it's box. "I want her to like me." He says, and walks to the other side of me. "How's operation Lockwood?" I ask. "He's my new BFF." He says into my ear.

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