Chapter 5: The Tomb

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Dear diary, last night my dreams were not dreams but nightmares. I kept seeing that woman I saw in the mirror the other night. She repeated the same message to me. "Don't let her open it." Who is her? And what should I not let her open. Wait… I wonder if she means the tomb. Maybe I should ask Damon what that friend of his looked like. Maybe she's the one haunting me since this all started after Stefan gave me this ring. Stefan called me a little bit ago asking where aunt Jenna was. He said she has the Gilbert journal. Jeremy has been using it for his project and she wanted to take a look at it.

My phone rings from my desk. "Hey, can you come over? Damon is here and he's cooking dinner. Help me." Elena says when I answer the phone. "Ugh. Okay. I'll be there in a minute."

I throw on some clothes that aren't my pjs and head over. When I enter Elena's house I can hear her and Damon arguing. "Hello, Lorelai." Damon says before I fully enter the room. "Hey..." I say looking at Elena. "Speaking of Stefan, where is he? He's missing family night, which I am enjoying Immensely." I take a seat at the dinner table and watch the two converse. "Is it real?" Damon asks. "Is what real?"
"This renewed sense of brotherhood?" Damon tried a spoon of the homemade pasta sauce and turns to face Elena and I. "Can I trust him?"
"Yes, you can trust him." Elena lies through her teeth. She told me her and Stefan's idea, which I personally don't agree with but I'm not gonna interfere either.

She goes to put down napkins at the place settings and he vamps behind her. When she turns around he asks again, "Can I trust him?" He's a little too close to her I might add. "I'm wearing vervain, Damon. It's not gonna work." She states. "I'm not compelling you." He looks at her like she's an idiot. And she just looks back confused. "I just want you to answer me. Honestly." He says sincerely. "Of course, you can." Elena says convincingly. "You cook?" I ask Damon, trying to get him out of the little world he's now in. He clears his throat. "Of course I cook. And I'm damn good at it." He gives me a smirk, and walks back into the kitchen. "There was a time where I trusted him more than anyone." Damon states. "Trust breeds trust. You have to give it to get it" I say from my seat. "Are you lecturing me?" Damon asks. "Do you need to be lectured?" I raise my eyebrows at him. "I just want her back. I'm sure you both can understand that." Elena answers him this time. "I can understand that you would do anything for her, yes."
"Then you understand what I will do if anyone gets in my way." He semi threatens.

Damon eventually joins Jeremy in playing his video game, and Alaric comes into the kitchen to see whats going on. "What are you doing with all this stuff?" Alaric asks when he sees some old boxes in the kitchen that Elena has been going through. "I thought there might be something… about my birth parents." Elena lets out a sigh. "Have you told jeremy?" Alaric asks. "I will, when the time is right." The doorbell rings. "That's Stefan." Says Elena. Damon immediately gets up from the couch and races to the door. "Dude!" Jeremy says from the couch. I follow as Elena and Damon get the door. "Well?" Damon asks Stefan when Elena opens the door. "Who took it?" Damon asks as the four of us walk out onto the porch "I don't know." Stefan says. "You know what, it's that teacher. There's something really off about her." Damon rushes out. "Hey!" I scold. "No she doesn't know anything, somebody got to her right before me." Stefan continues the conversation. "Who else knew it was there?" Damon asks and Stefan just turns his head to look inside at Jeremy. "No. Damon, leave him out of it." Elena tries to persuade him. "Why, what's the big deal?" His voice all pitchy. "Damon." I warn.

"So, I heard you found a really cool journal from back in the day." He takes a seat on the arm of the sofa while the three of us stand around him. "Who else did you show it to?" Damon asks. "Huh?" Jeremy answer not really paying attention to anything but the video game. "Don't ask questions, just spill." Jeremy chuckles at this. "You're kidding me right?" Elena buts in, "Jer, did you tell anyone other then Ms. Hawthorne about Jonathan Gilbert's journal?"
"Why is everybody so obsessed with that thing?"
"Who else did you tell?"
"Mm, just that girl, Anna." Jer tells Elena. "The hot weird one?" Damon asks. "Yeah." Jeremy nods. "Wait, who's Anna?" Stefan asks. "That's what I wanna find out." Damon tells Stefan. "How do ya know her?" Damon asks as a phone rings. Elena goes to find it. "I just know her. She wants me to meet her at the grill tonight" Jer answers a little weirded out. "Perfect! I'll drive. Come on." Damon says with fake excitement. "Oh, okay." Damon drags Jeremy. I turn around to see Elena has left the room. Stefan starts to head towards the stairs. "Hey, I'll go with damon. Make sure he doesn't ruin anything." I tell Stefan who just nods at me while he goes upstairs. I walk out to Damon's car which is already occupied by Jeremy in the passenger seat. Damon is about to get in the driver's seat when he sees me approach the vehicle. "What are you doing?" He asks. "Coming with. Someone has to keep an eye on you." I say and enter the back seat.

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