Chapter 3: The Fell Problem

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Dear Diary, It's been a week since I found out that supernatural beings exist. I haven't seen either of the Salvatore brothers since either. I don't think it's really kicked in yet. Maybe I'll have to have Bonnie show me some of her witchy spells or something. Or piss damon off enough for him to bite me in the neck… jesus fucking christ I sound insane. Ok well on another note aunt Jenna said that an old flame of hers stopped by the house. I think his name is Logan or something? He tried to get her to say yes to a date with him. Ew. she said no of course. Oh and no I obviously haven't told Jenna about the whole vampire, witch thing. She'll just think I've lost my shit. Well anyway, I've got school in a few. I'll TTYL.

I've been going with Elena and Bonnie to school everyday since the incident. It's been kind of nice not having to take the bus.

"Did I miss something?" I snap out of my thoughts when I hear Elena's voice. We got to school a few minutes ago and are now walking up to a very chummy Caroline with the blonde hair blue eyes boy named Matt. "They've been hanging out." Bonnie answers Elena. "Kind of weird, don't you think?"
"She needs someone nice like him. As opposed to a homicidal vampire like Damon." Bonnie says. "Yeah how are you guys doing with all that?" Elena asks skeptically. "Okay, I guess." I say.
"I'm freaked out. Damon attacked me. I could be dead right now, but I'm also grateful."
"Hmm?" Elena questions. "To Stefan. He saved my life. And Lori's. Have you seen him?" Elena sighs. "Not since he told me he was leaving. For all I know he's already gone."
"He wouldn't leave without saying goodbye." I tell Elena. "Yes, he would. He thinks he's protecting me. Clean break and all that."
"So what are you gonna do?" Bonbon asks. "What am I supposed to do? I already begged him not to go. If I ask again I'm being selfish. It is what it is."
"Well, maybe it's for the best." Bonnie suggests. "What? Why?"
"I mean, what kind of future could you have possibly had with him? Even if he stayed?" A sign reading 'the promise of your future' falls from the ceiling. "Did you just-"
"No, I swear." Elena sighs and walks away.

At the end of the day I'm walking by the basketball court to get to Bonnie's car. One of the two guys playing is Matt and the other is one I don't know. I over hear the one I don't know asking Matt who I am. To which he answers, "I don't know. She's friends with Bonnie, Care and elena. But that's all I got."
"Hey, red!" I hear the other boy call out. I ignore him at first until he calls me again. "What do you want?" I ask not wanting to hear the slimy comment I have a feeling he's going to say to me. "Woah there, little red. I just wanted to say hi, welcome to town." he stands there holding the basketball waiting for an answer. "Hi." I say then walk away. Yuck. I hate guys like that. You can just tell by how he presents himself. Tank top, flexing, and standing there all high and mighty like. He's a douche, jock, who thinks any girl will fall at his feet with just one look.

As soon as I step into my house I hear Jenna yelling. "Hey, you are coming with me to the school thing tonight."
"How are you home already?" I yell back, walking to the sound of her voice coming from the kitchen. "I don't mess around. I wanted to eat something and grade some papers before I had to go back. I got food from the grill. There's a sandwich over there for you." She says not looking up from the papers she was grading. "Thanks." I put my bag down and grab my food.

After eating I get ready to head out with Jenna. "Lori, come on, we're gonna be late!" Jenna yells from the foyer. "I'm coming, I'm coming!" I grab my purse and jacket and run down the stairs. "I'm here, let's go." Once in the car Jenna tries to strike up a conversation. "So, I have been looking for a new car. I thought I could give you this one so you can have a little bit more freedom. I was looking at a toyota, what do ya think?"she looks over at me with a smirk. "Wait, are you serious? You'd give me this car?!" The car in question was an old bronco that had been in the family since Lorelai's dad and Jenna were kids. "Yeah, besides I'd rather have the new car." She bumps my arm.

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