Chapter 7: 169

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Dear Diary, I got a phone call late this morning from Elena. Stefan had come over and she told him about a school project that Jermey had done that had to do with vampires. She was expressing her obvious concerns for it to me, since she has been trying to keep this world from him. Then she proceeds to tell me that Stefan seems to be a bit on edge since he drank from her. I wasn't told this before but she had said that Stefan can't drink human blood. It makes him all weird or something… I don't know. I asked if she would ask Damon about it because he knows him better than her. And you know what she said? No, she wasn't. So I texted Damon to come to mine. Oh and turns out the reason Elena forgot me at the Salvatores was because they found a family friend of hers body.

I hear a knock at the door and rush down the stairs telling Jenna I'll get it. "Oh good you're here." I say opening the door and seeing Damon. "You ask, I come. I'm easy like that." He jokes. I put a finger to my mouth telling him to be quiet since Jenna is just in the kitchen, and last time we spoke about the Salvatores she told me to stay away from them. I point up the stairs, signaling to follow me. "No Lorelai, I will not go to your... bedroom with you?" I grab him, and drag him up the stairs. "Lori, who was that?" Damn. Of course Jenna heard him. He talked loud enough for the neighbors to hear. "Just a friend from school, He's trying to be funny. We're working on a project together." I pointedly stare at Damon. "Ok. Keep the door open." I hear her say, not very concerned, and seeming distracted by something else, thank god.

Once we get to my room I close the door quietly. "Ah, just like I remembered." Damon says. "You've never even been in here." I roll my eyes at him. "Not that you know." He says throwing himself on my bed. I stare at him with my brows furrowed in concern. "Joking… You know, did you know that Elena's uncle has been kickin' it with the founders council?" He casually tells me as he plays with my childhood bear. "What?" I huff. "Yep." He says, popping the p. "Perfect, we'll just add it to the growing list of how everythings falling apart. Look Damon, Elena is worried about Stefan and I asked her to talk to you about it, but she won't, so here I am doing it. How long is it gonna take before he's back to normal Stefan?" I ask him, concerned. "Few days, give or take?" Damon brushes off my concern. "It's been a few days." I tell him. "Give, then. I don't know, what's the big deal?" Damon seems to be getting tired of the conversation. "He's not himself, Damon."

"Well maybe his problem is he spent too long not being himself." Damon grabs a bra from my drawer. "Oh." I rip it from his hand, "Please don't make me sorry for asking you." I beg. "It is what it is, Lori. The Stefan you and Elena know was good behavior Stefan. Reign it in Stefan, Fight against his nature Stefan, Fight it to an annoyingly obsessive level, Stefan. But if you think there's not another part to this than you have not been paying attention." He tsks at me. "He's not you, not even close." I say as he gets very close to my face. "Well he doesn't wanna be me. But that doesn't mean that deep down that he's not... um, hm." He starts to walk to the exit.

"Hey, don't let Jenna see you." I tell him just before he opens my door. "Why?" He turns to me. "She told me to stay away from you and your brother. It's probably the whole leather jacket, motorcycle thing you and Stefan got going on." I say not thinking there is any other reason. "Is your aunt a Hawthorne too?" He asks after being lost in thought for a moment. "Yeah? She's my dad's sister. Why?" Damon continues to look around the room in thought. "All the founding families know. They know about the vampires." He tells me. "Oh... well yeah, but she's not in the founders council I thought it was only them?" I say hoping Jenna doesn't know.

"Elena's uncle isn't apart of it and he knows." Damon takes a seat at my bay window with his elbows on his knees. "Well it's not like I can just say, hey, by the way, do you believe in vampires? That's not an everyday, normal, convo that we would have." I sit down on my bed across from Damon in thought. "Jeremy is doing those extra credit projects about vampires. I could just make it about that somehow." I try to come up with a good idea. Damon claps his hands and stands. "Perfect you do that. I'll see you tonight. Founders kick off and all." He tells me. "You are not going to that." I don't believe him for two seconds. "I gotta make the rounds, keep up the facade." He waves goodbye jokingly and leaves.

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