Chapter 9: It's Late

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I'm supposed to help build the Miss Mystic float for the Founder's Day Parade. If I don't, I get the wrath of Caroline. But I wanted to check in first." I tell Damon on the phone. "Well, I'm doing great. Thanks for asking." He says sarcastically. "Check in on Stefan." I remind him. "Oh, him? Oh. He's... he's terrible."
"What's the matter?" I ask genuinely. "He's just back to boring, straightlaced, off the junk. Elena successfully cured him of anything that was interesting about his personality." He rambles on. "Don't forget who helped her." I remind him in a sing-song voice. "I hate myself." He mimics back, I can just hear his smirk on the other end. "I gotta go. I'm late." I tell him. "Have fun with the Mystic queen. I know I did." I scoff at this, and hang up.
When I get to the school Mr. Saltzman pulls me aside and tells me to wait in his classroom.

He had some news he wants to tell Elena, Stefan, Damon and I. I wait until he walks in with Stefan and Elena. "Where's Damon?" I ask. "Damon? You told Damon to come too?" Elena asks her uncle. "Just sit down, I'll tell you guys before Damon gets here." Elena sits at a desk while Alaric and I stand and Stefan sits/leans on Alaric's desk. We're all in a semi circle.

The door opens and it reveals Damon on the other side. "Damon, thanks for coming." Mr. Saltzman says. "Sorry I'm late. The dog ate my uh… Nevermind." Damon looks around the silent room. "What's with all the furrowed brows?" He asks, confused. "I saw Isobel last night." Alaric Informs him. "Isobel's here? In town?" Alaric nods to Damon's questions. Damon looks to Elena. "Did you ask about uncle John? Are they working together." Damon asks crossing the room to stand next to me. "No." Alaric tells him. "No, they're not?" Damon asks again. "No I didn't ask." Alaric says, already done with having this conversation. "What about the invention?" Damon asks another question. "Didn't ask." Damon starts walking towards Alaric now. "Does she know about the tomb vampires?" Another question from the Salvatore. "I don't know." Alaric shakes his head. "Did words completely escape you?" Damon is pissed.

He gets up in Alaric's face. "You know I was a little too distracted by my dead vampire wife to ask any questions." Alaric doesn't back down and raises his voice at Damon. "What did she want?" Yet another question. "She wants to see me, Damon." Elena tells him. "Alaric is supposed to arrange a meeting. We don't know why or what she wants." Stefan says. "You don't have to see her if you don't want to." Damon tells Elena. That was kinda sweet. "I don't really have a choice." Elena tells Damon. "She's threatening  to go on a killing spree." I say. "Oh. I take it that's not okay with you guys." Damon responds. "I wanna do it. I wanna meet her. If I don't, I know I'll regret it." Elena tells us.

We come up with a plan that can help keep Elena safe. Stefan will be in the Grill while Elena meets with Isobel. Damon and Alaric and I decided to take a beat on this one and just help Caroline with the float. Damon gives me a very short and to the point message that says that it went well and that he was gonna pay Isobel a little visit tonight. I told him not to do anything stupid, which he probably won't listen to.

I had another one of those weird POV dreams last night. It was short lived though. Damon, Stefan, and I were walking around what I think was the old mystic falls. We were laughing and having a good time. I don't remember any of the words being said but I woke up in a good mood. I took my time getting ready for the day. Until I get a text from Damon saying, get over here, I'm being ambushed. What the hell is wrong now? I tell Jenna I'm heading out and make my way to the Salvatore's.

When I open the door I can hear arguing coming from the library. "I'm not gonna give the  device to Isoble so she can give it to John who's gonna turn around and kill me. I like being a living dead person." I walk into the room hearing Damon's rant. "But it'll be useless. Bonnie can take its power away." Elena tells him. I look around the room confused and see Bonnie sitting on a chair. "I don't trust her." Damon stresses. "I can remove the original spell." Bonnie tells Damon. Elena looks to me, making Damon turn and see me as well. I walk down and join them. "John and Isobel will never know." Elena holds out her arms telling him. "No. No. I'll- I'll get Jeremy my own way." Damon says confidently. "They have Jeremy?" I ask Bonnie. She nods her head in response. "Really?" Stefan asks Damon. "Mm-hmm."

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