1. The chatterbox

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In a conference room, Jeon Hoseok, co-owner of the Jeon co. was engaged in a heated discussion with the stockholders as he tried to clarify things to them. The stockholders were demanding money from the company due to its financial losses.

The business owner sat quietly amidst the chaos, lost in his thoughts while seated on a chair. Eventually, he stood up and quietly exited the conference room, unaware that neither his brother nor the shareholders had taken notice of his absence. Jeon Jungkook, the owner, had a look on his face that indicated he had lost all sense of purpose in life. He headed towards the washroom and stood in front of the mirror staring at himself, in a daze.

Jeon Jungkook is the newly appointed CEO since he and his younger brother Jeon Hoseok recently lost their father, who died due to heart attack. They loved their father because they never got to experience a mother's love so their father was all they had. Jungkook was doing internship at his father's company because he wanted to achieve the Ceo's position. When Mr. Jeon died the company suffered tremendous loss and Jungkook being the oldest son has to take the Ceo's position. With a mourning heart he was trying his best to make the company better.

He came out from the company building, carrying the weight of his inner turmoil, his driver brought the car. Jungkook was supposed to sit in the back seat, but instead, he took the driver's seat and drove away, leaving his bewildered driver and the guards outside the office.

He arrived at a wedding reception venue and entered to find his ex-boyfriend, Seokjin, standing at the altar wearing a wedding ring along with his husband. Jungkook approached the stage, and stood in front of his ex-boyfriend, catching Seokjin's guilty gaze.

Seokjin is a talented model, with a beautiful face and a perfect body. He met Jungkook in college, they were known as 'the hot couple'. They were each other's first love. They dated for 5 years until Seokjin started avoiding Jungkook because he fell out of love. He couldn't face Jungkook to tell him that he doesn't love him anymore or that he loves someone else and now here he is standing infront of his first love. As we say nothing lasts forever, even love.

Seokjin's husband whose name is ken was unaware of Jungkook's past relationship with him. Ken greeted Jungkook with a hearty smile but Jungkook left the venue without uttering a word.

He drove his car and eventually reached a deserted road, where he stepped out of the car, leaving his mobile phone and car keys on his car before walking off. He started walking aimlessly where his feets took him. He was wearing a white shirt tucked in his black pants and a black blazer on his sturdy upper body. He was also wearing spectacles.

 He was also wearing spectacles

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