27. A Brother's Fury

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"Where is Tae? You ran away with him, and you lied about your identity." Jimin's voice was a mix of betrayal and anger. His grip tightened on Jungkook's collar, the fabric bunching under his fists. 

Jungkook was in utter shock upon hearing Jimin's words. This revelation meant that Taehyung had not returned home after their last encounter. Confusion clouded his mind, as he distinctly remembered Taehyung mentioning his plan to go to Busan to visit his family once he married Yoongi.

Eunwoo quickly intervened, placing a steadying hand on Jimin's shoulder and gently pulling him away from Jungkook, trying to diffuse the escalating tension.

"Call him here. I want to meet Tae," Jimin demanded, breathing heavily as he stood facing Jungkook.

"But Jimin, Tae is not with me," Jungkook replied, his tone steady.

Jimin's eyes blazed with frustration as he took a step closer. "Don't lie to me, you rascal. Just take me to him."

Jungkook raised his hands, attempting to defuse the situation. "Jimin, I swear, Tae is not with me. Please, let's sit down and talk calmly."

Jimin's chest heaved with suppressed emotion. Reluctantly, he allowed Jungkook to guide him to a nearby couch. They sat, and the tension between them was palpable.

"Okay, talk," Jimin demanded, his voice strained. "But you better have a good explanation."

Jungkook sighed, running a hand through his hair. "I don't know where Taehyung is right now."

Jimin's fists clenched, but he remained seated. "That doesn't make any sense. You ran away with him in front of my eyes. Are you calling me a fool? Call him."

"I understand your concern, Jimin—" Jungkook began gently, but Jimin cut him off.

Jimin's eyes softened slightly, turning glossy with unshed tears. His worry was evident. "Tell me the truth, Jungkook. Has something happened to him? Is he no longer alive?" He had been searching for Taehyung relentlessly, and the idea that something terrible might have happened to him was almost too much to bear.

"What are you saying?" Jungkook responded, taken aback. Just the thought of Taehyung not being in this world made his heart feel unbearably heavy; his mind was a whirlwind of emotions.

Jungkook tried to calm himself, taking deep breaths to steady his racing thoughts. He imagined Taehyung living his life with Yoongi. The thought provided a brief, bittersweet comfort, but it also raised more questions. If Taehyung was happy and safe, why hadn't he reached out?

"It is not possible for Tae to not talk to us for nine months. I know something has happened. He couldn't even stay nine hours without talking to me."

"Nothing has happened to Taehyung, trust me. He is absolutely fine," Jungkook assured him.

"This means he is living with you, right?" Jimin pressed.

"Yes, he is with me. But he is not in Seoul right now," Jungkook admitted, observing Jimin's internal struggle and realizing he needed to handle the situation with the utmost care. He couldn't reveal everything he knew, especially not about Yoongi. Yoongi's involvement was a delicate matter that could complicate things even further. Jimin needed reassurance, not more confusion.

"I will bring him to Busan in five days," Jungkook continued. He had to make Jimin believe that Taehyung was safe and that he would bring him back to Busan soon. 

Jimin leaned back, his eyes still filled with a mix of frustration and sadness. "You don't understand, Jungkook. Not living with Tae was like losing a part of my soul. My family....we've all suffered so much. His parents are worried sick, and my little brothers they keep asking when Taehyung will come back. I tried to find him everywhere—I called every friend and searched every familiar place. It's been a nightmare. Promise me, Jungkook, you will bring him to Busan; I trust you with Tae." Jimin stood 

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