40. Jealous much?

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The two men stopped a couple of feet apart, eyes locked. Just as Jungkook was about to introduce them, both Hoseok and Jimin shouted in perfect sync, “YOU!”

Jungkook, puzzled by the familiarity between Hoseok and Jimin, asked, “Wait, how do you two know each other already?”

Hoseok turned to Jungkook with an irritated expression. “Hyung, what are you doing with an idiot like him?”

Jimin’s face flushed with anger, but before he could respond, Hoseok continued, “Hyung, this is the guy who doodled on my car with lipstick!”

Jungkook burst into laughter. “Sunshine, you must have done something to him for that to happen!”

Jungkook continued while looking at Jimin. "Anyways Jimin, he's my Younger brother, Jeon Hoseok" 

Just then, Jungkook’s phone rang. He glanced at the screen and said, “I need to take this,” before walking a few paces away, leaving Hoseok and Jimin standing together.

Jimin was now fuming, glaring at Hoseok. “How dare you call me an idiot?”

Hoseok raised an eyebrow. “Well, what do you call someone who damages cars with lipstick?”

Hoseok stood with his arms crossed, glaring at Jimin. “You owe me an apology for ruining my car with your lipstick stunt.”

Jimin raised an eyebrow, a smirk playing on his lips. “Sorry, but if you drive a car that looks like it belongs to a maniac, you should expect some mistakes.”

Hoseok’s eyes widened in disbelief. “Mistakes? You ruined my Porsche!”

Jimin shrugged nonchalantly. “Yeah, well, I thought it belonged to that old pervert. Honest mistake.”

Hoseok’s frustration bubbled over. “Honest mistake? That’s the best you can do.”

Jimin leaned in, his eyes gleaming with mischief, his one hand on his waist and with the other hand he was checking his nails

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Jimin leaned in, his eyes gleaming with mischief, his one hand on his waist and with the other hand he was checking his nails. “Alright, I’m sorry your car got in the way of my artistic expression. Happy now?”

Hoseok couldn’t help but chuckle. “Artistic expression, huh? This time, I am letting you off the hook. But I'll not leave you another time. okay?”

Jimin’s smirk widened. “Deal. But you owe me for calling me an idiot.”

Hoseok shook his head with a sigh. “Fine, I owe you one."

Jimin’s smirk widened as a light bulb flickered in his mind. “Actually, Hoseok, I have an idea.”

Hoseok raised an eyebrow, crossing his arms. “What now?”

Jimin leaned in, his voice low. “I need a favor. Help me with something, and I’ll show you around Busan. The nightlife, the clubs, everything.”

Hoseok’s interest was piqued, but he remained skeptical. “What’s the catch?”

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