8. Welcome to the Family

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As they arrived in Busan at night, Taehyung and Jungkook retrieved Taehyung's luggage before he called his father to notify him of his arrival. Booking a cab, they embarked on an hour-long journey to Taehyung's residence.

The car pulled up to a massive gate, and as it opened, they were greeted by the sight of a grand mansion

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The car pulled up to a massive gate, and as it opened, they were greeted by the sight of a grand mansion.Three smaller mansions are interconnected within the property, boasting pristine white exteriors and complemented by the lush greenery of the garden.

Two teenage twins playing in the garden caught sight of the car and began shouting excitedly, announcing Taehyung's return to the entire household. "Hyung has come. Hyung has come home, aunt!"

Observing the scene with a smile, Taehyung turned to Jungkook, sitting beside him, and inquired about his plans. "So? What's the plan? What will you do now?"

"I don't know. I'll see," he replied with a smile, expressing uncertainty.

"Come with me inside," Taehyung suggested. Aware that Jungkook was alone and didn't have anywhere to go, he decided to invite him.

He hesitated, politely declining. "No, Taehyung. I'll leave."

Taehyung detected a hint of reluctance in his voice. With concern evident in his tone, Taehyung pressed further. "Where will you go?"

"I will be okay don't worry," he reassured, his gaze drifting downward, thinking he would just go back to his life in Seoul.

Refusing to let Jungkook leave, Taehyung insisted, "No, you come inside with me. I can't let you go like this. Come on!"

"Taehyung, really, I..." He didn't let him speak further and said, "I am not going to listen to anything. You are coming with me; that's it. You stay here for some time, and I want to talk to you. After that, you can leave." Taehyung finally convinced Jungkook.

"Fine,"he said with a sigh.

Taehyung's joint family consists of his grandpa, his father, and his two brothers, their wives, and their children. He has ten cousins,creating an atmosphere filled with love and happiness.

His parents were standing at the gate to receive him. He jumped out of the car like a little kid and immediately hugged his parents and said, "Hi mom! Hi, sexy aunt."

Noting his weight loss, Taehyung's mother, Minhee, expressed concern"You didn't eat anything in Seoul or what? See how you have reduced weight."

"The authorities in the hostel didn't look after my niece well," said Yoona, his aunt, while hugging Taehyung.

Jungkook got out of the car and stood there. Observing Jungkook standing by, Taehyung's father, Heejae, acknowledged him and invited him inside.

"Appa..." Taehyung pointed at Jungkook and said, "He is Jungkook. He brought me here."

"Thank you, Jungkook, for bringing him here safely." Heejae expressed his gratitude with a warm smile, shaking hands with Jungkook.

"No need for thanks, Uncle" Jungkook replied graciously, returning the smile.

One of Taehyung's cousins came and said, "Hyung! Grandpa is asking for you and your friend."

Taehyung and Jungkook, along with Heejae and one of his uncles, entered a room. A man in his 80s was seated at the center of a grand sofa, his hands resting on the armrests. Taehyung's grandfather was tall, his demeanor exuding an aura of coldness.

"Greetings, grandpa," said Taehyung.

"Who is this guy?" curiously questioned Grandpa Dae, who looked at Jungkook with suspicion.

Jungkook stood quietly beside Heejae, his hands clasped in front of his lower stomach, his gaze fixed downward. Occasionally, he glanced at Taehyung, silently observing the interactions within the family.

"He is my friend, grandpa" replied Taehyung with a low voice.

"What kind of friend?" he inquired skeptically, in a stern voice, suspecting there might be more to their relationship than mere friendship.


Hey lovelies,
It's a filler chapter and Grandpa Dae has entered the chat.

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